The Knife

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"Called in a favor with a buddy at State Patrol, asked him to lock down the scene till we got here. Local PD thinks it was a chemical spill," I hear Matt say from a long distance. Guess he's the sheriff now, lol.

"What's the actual story?" asks Ric with Hope by his side.

"I'll leave that to you to figure out," says Matt

"Wow, you're the sheriff now?" I ask, approaching the 3.

"Y/n?" Matt asks, surprised.

"Surprise," I say

"You look..."

"Young? Yeah, I'm stuck at 17, remember?" I ask

"Right. Wh- Are you okay? Last thing I heard from Damon was that you just--"

"Passed out? Yeah, long story short, I just kinda shifted and got sent to the future. But I'm fine. Everything is good," I say

"That's good..." Matt smiles

"Alright. Thanks, Sheriff, for your help," says Ric, and we go into the bus that Landon was in.

"You sure you still trust him?" asks Hope

"I do. But I'm gonna have to go a little hard on him for the sake of the plot..." I say

"Probably for the best, you know it better than I do," says Hope

"Yeah, doesn't end well if we try to change it. Holy shit..." I say as I look at the bus full of people who have now turned into stone.

"What the..." Hope says

"Just... Let's act as if we find him guilty, because honestly I barely remember this part. I've only watched the show once, and uh... We'll see where it goes?" I ask

"Not exactly acting, but sure," says Hope


The next morning, Hope was up before me. She left a note that said she had a therapy session with Emma. Got it. I took this time to take a quick shower and wear something cute.

After I was done dressing up, Hope was back and she looked pissed.

"What happened?" I ask

"Adults being adults," she said, slamming the door.

"Care to explain?"

"Emma pretty much confronted me for the locator spell since it was black magic. Telling me I'm still a kid and all," Hope sits on the bed

"You are. But so am I. And we're pretty much the most powerful people here. Black magic? Pfft, no problem. It was just a harmless locator spell. Adults can simmer down," I say, Hope grabs a book and rips out a page.

"What's that?"

"Death spell."

I go up to her in concern, "Please don't tell me you're gonna kill Landon. Because let me tell you that um... it won't be much of use. If you kill him it's gonna be even more work."

"We'll see," she gives me a fake smile.

"I like your feistiness, but seriously, let's not go that far," I say

"I'm not gonna kill him right away. But then again, might be necessary."

"Nuh-uh, you're not killing him at all."

"Fine. Can we stop talking about this now?"



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