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"Going somewhere?" asks Ric as I was heading out to the truck with his keys. 

"Yeah. Landon's in trouble and I need a car. Wanna tag along?" I ask

"At 3 AM? And how do you know Landon's in trouble?" asks Ric

I hold up my bracelet/compass, "I told him to press a button on his bracelet when he's in trouble. When mine activates, that means he's pressed the button," I say

"Jesus, at this time?" asks Ric

"Yeah. Ric, he could be getting choked right now for all we know, and I'm not getting much sleep till I know he's okay... And also I just chugged a good amount of coffee so I'm not getting sleep either way," I say

"You do realize you're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin," says Ric

"Yeah, but I don't care. It's not like I'm gonna go to college here. 

"Alright, I guess," he walks up to me, "Keys?" I hand him the keys, so we head out to the truck. 


As we're driving, we enter Indiana, which makes Ric go, "Innnndianaaaa, Crossroads of America" in a singsongy voice. 

"What's the capital?" he asks

"Dude, we learned that like a long time ago," I say

"Good, then you should know it," says Ric

"Never said I remembered it... Indianapolis," I say

"Guess you remember after all," he says

"This your way of making me study for an exam I don't even need?" I ask

"Yup," he says, then I notice that the direction of my bracelet has changed. It moved left a little.

"Take a left on the next road. Landon's moving," I say

"Alright," says Ric, "Indiana is surrounded by what 4 states?" asks Ric

"I'm just not gonna waste time trying to remember," I say

"Fine. Then let's move on to science," he says

"Ohh, dear..." I say


After about 18 hours, we finally arrive somewhere. For the past 20 minutes, Ric was explaining how osmosis works, hope he isn't offended that I wasn't listening.

"And that is how osmosis works," says Ric

"Great, can we find Landon now? You know, the person we came for??" I ask

"Sure," says Ric

"Thank god. For a second I thought you'd explain how babies were made as well," I say

"Hey, I'm playing the adult, alright?" he asks

"Fine, whatever," I say, "So, how should we enter? Fire? Wind?"

"I was thinking we'd knock," says Ric

"Boring, but fine."

We get out of the car and go to the house that my bracelet leads me to.

"Should I go invisible? No, that'd expose our secret," I say

"Nonsensical poem written by?" asks Ric

"Who cares? I'm not gonna be a poet, at least not in here," I say

Stuck In TVL (Landon Kirby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now