You Didn't Mean To Say That Last Part, Did You?

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This morning I was trying to paint something, to try and get my mind off of things. But nothing came to mind. So, I decided to go downstairs and socialize or something. When I went down, I saw Damon and Ric talking. Wow, guess he's just gonna visit regularly now? Okay. I give them a small smile and go on my way. As I was going, I felt someone stop me.

"Y/n, we need your help. Landon's missing," says Ric, with that, I sped to his office.

"Witch side supports vampire features," I say, by that time, Ric arrives in his office, I look at him, "Where is he?"

"We don't know. But listen to this tape," Ric presses play on a tape, "Hey, Ric. Sorry to take off like that, but I just needed a little time. So I'm going camping for a while. Hopefully, I can catch up on classwork later. Tell Raf and Jed hi for me."  It was Landon's voice. But it seemed scripted.

"He called you Ric... And why would he say hi to Jed?" I ask

"I don't know. But I'm guessing he just needs some space," says Ric

"Something's obviously wrong, Ric--" I start

"Do you remember anything?" asks Ric

"No, but that shouldn't mean that--"

"Y/n, just give him time," he says

I sigh, "Fine," and then I speed out of there to go get a snack or something.


When I entered the kitchen, Lizzie was there and it was a whole mess, "Did a guy reject you again or something?"

"There you are. I got tired of waiting so I attempted a banana cream pie by myself," says Lizzie

"Where is it?" I ask

"In the garbage. I said 'attempted'. So, we're gonna go back to plan A, and you are gonna make it for me," she says, taking off her apron and giving it to me, "Status update. Josie didn't come back last night. I think she slept in Penelope's old room, which is a really good way to get hepatitis B."

"Have you  slept at all? You seem a little..." I start

"Focused? Motivated? On point?" asks Lizzie

"Sure," I say

"Not sleeping in the same bedroom means that Twin Forgiveness Cuddle is off the table. But she's been holed up in the library, so a snack offering should do the trick," says Lizzie

"Have you considered... I don't know-- apologizing?" I ask

She gasps, "Never apologize. Trust me, okay? This is what we do. I'm selfish, then she sulks, and then I offer baked goods."

"Someone else's baked goods," I say

"It's giving you something to do with yourself, isn't it? Your turn for an update. Any word from our mop-headed elf?" asks Lizzie

"He says he needs time to think. He left a voicemail that sounded scripted as hell. But just in case it isn't... I don't know, maybe I should try and figure out the right thing to say so he'd come back?" I ask

"So, practice," says Lizzie, "Emma has this prism that stimulates a conversation. She makes me use it to talk to my mom and my dad when I'm in a state. I'll trade you one prism for a banana cream pie." I agree.


So, Lizzie gave me the prism, and I gave her a book about the merge... I could have just explained it to them, but I didn't wanna spoil it. She said that the first time of using the prism could be freaky since I'm literally talking to my subconscious, but, eh, I think I'll be fine. So, now I was sitting by the lake, and I put the prism on a bench. It reflected sunlight and...

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