You Haven't Changed A Bit

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I was sleeping and cuddling with Landon, who for whatever reason produces ash that smells good. After a little, I drifted off to sleep, and the dream I had wasn't the best:

"Little slut..." I hear a voice

"What?" I turn around and see Elena, "Shit, girl is that you? Oh, my God, I'm so sorry, you probably don't know who I am--"

"I know who you are. And you stole Damon from me. Both Damon and Stefan, when you think about it," says Elena... or not.

"Oh, I get it. You're Katherine," I say

Katherine chuckles, "Katherine's dead. Remember? She died at the end of TVD, along with Stefan."

"Shit, that's right... So, why are you mad at me?"

"Because you took my place. It was supposed to be me, not you, whore," she says

"Wasn't by choice. And I didn't mess up the plot overall anyway," I say

"Doesn't matter. You still took my place..." says Elena

"How would you even know that? This is life for you, not some show," I say, then it hits me, I'm dreaming, "Because you're not real either..."

"Took you a minute..." she says

"Whatevs, well, uh, hope you're happy with Damon. Cya, bitch," I say

"This isn't over, whore!" I stop and turn to her, "For your information, Elena wouldn't call someone a whore or slut, at least not without knowing them. So, if you're gonna pretend to be her, at least get your facts right," then I fake gasp, "Like Katherine."

Then I wake up. I see Hope next to me, apparently she and I were cuddling, which I didn't mind. Then Hope starts to laugh, causing me to look down, "What's up?"

"You're not even supposed to be here," says Hope

"Technically, that's true," I say

"If you think about it, you're stealing Landon from me, I mean who knows... Maybe I like him," Hope chuckles

"You said you were fine with that. And that he wasn't your type?" I ask

"Maybe I was scared? You're stronger than I am. And so selfish that you can't even tell when I lie."

"What? I--"

"Gosh, shut up! I deserve better than you. And you can scram because Landon likes me, he cheated on you, and you didn't even notice."

My brows furrow, "What?"

Then all of a sudden, Landon's there, his hands are on Hope's ass and they're making out. Just the view itself seems... fake. He wouldn't touch a girl like that. He's too respectful.

Then Hope puts out her hand and makes me feel something. Almost like I'm crying and dying at the same time.

"Y/n, wake up. Y/n!" I hear a voice say...

I gasp awake. Then see Landon getting thrown up and into some paint, I sit up, "Shit! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"

"Well, I was recently dead, so I think I'll mend," he says

"What the hell happened?" I ask

"You were having a nightmare. And then you screamed and some magical wave thing hit me, and now I have art supplies where no man should," he says as he chuckles a bit, oh. He's referring to, um... yeah. 

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