Mombie Dearest

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"Let's go, let's go," I hear Raf say to his pack as I enter the lunch room after sending Josie and Lizzie gifts. Hope and I got one for Josie, I was the only one who got one for Lizzie.

"You're getting the hang of being the alpha, it's like you're a puppet master," I say

"More like I'm telling a buncha shadows that are waiting to be directed what to do," says Raf, as he helps set up Lizzie and Josie's party.

"You helping out with the party?" I ask

"Yeah, I volunteered. What do you want? I'm busy," he sasses.

"Look, I know you're mad because I was leaning more on the side to send Landon away, but... I promise it was because I care about him. It was for his own good," I say. Also, I think it's about time that I admit, I literally have feelings for Landon. Like, no joke.

"You've known him for two minutes, and you know what's good for him?" asks Raf

"I know more about people than they intend for me to," I snap back, "And I know for a fact that I want him to be safe..." He sighs.

"Look, I just came here to apologize. Wanted to see how you were doing... if you were okay. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. But it seems like you don't," so I start to leave.

"Actually, um... I do kind of need help with something," says Raf, I gesture for him to go on, "There's no fancy parties in grand ballrooms where I come from. I need to know what to expect for tonight. I don't wanna let Lizzie down."

"Lizzie?" I ask

"She asked me to be her date..." says Raf

"Oh... Shit, that's right," I say, as I remember the memory of them dancing.

"What do you mean, 'that's right'"? asks Raf

"Never mind. Sure, I can help," I say, so we head to the gym.


"So, the emcee will then announce Lizzie and her escort..." I explain

"Her what?" asks Raf

"Basically a fancy word for 'her date', except it's a special kind of dance/party," I say, he nods.

"So, you'll meet her halfway down the stairs," I gesture for him to go down the stairs.

"How do you know all this stuff?" asks Raf

"Remember how even though I'm an inactivated vampire, I'm stuck at this age/age very slowly? Like literally 1 age every 5 years or something?" I ask


"Oh... Well, I do. And I've been around for a while. Long enough to know what this is," I say, then start to walk down the stairs.

"So, what, I just stand here?" he asks

"You take her arm," I hold out my arm, "Put it through hers from above," I say, he does that, "Yeah, like that. And then you walk to the dance floor." We do that.

"Now, you bow," he does as I say after watching me curtsy.

"Yeah, you're messing with me," he says

"What? You don't like this?" I chuckle, "Man, you're in for a ride. Lizzie's the type of person who's been planning this since she was probably 5-10 years old. Just like her mother."

He sighs, making me chuckle, "Jeez, you should really think twice about the things you agree to."

"Well, I can't let her down now," says Raf

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