We're Gonna Need A Spotlight

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"Sounds like the trap worked," says Hope as she, Dorian, Ric, and I meet in the hallways, we follow the sounds we hear. 

"I know this is important, but you couldn't have put pants on first?" asks Hope

"It's a little early for snark, Hope," says Ric

"Any guesses on what famous monster from Filmland we get to slay today?" asks Dorian as we're walking through the woods. 

Ric chuckles, "With our luck, it'll be a Cthulhu." Then we come across a horse. 

"Ah, there it is. The slug-horse," I say

"What? Slug-horse?" asks Dorian

"Yeah, it infects you with slugs. And I'm guessing that all I can say before the plot kicks my ass," I say

"No, looks like a regular horse to me," says Ric, "Maybe you mistook it for another horse."

"There aren't many horses in Mystic Falls..." I say

"Except, it's not a horse..." says Hope, then points out that it's a unicorn. Ric and Dorian hold up their weapons. 

"Hey! Wait, wait," Hope gets in front of them, "Hold your fire."

"It's a monster, Hope. It's here to take the artifact," says Dorian

"You're not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn?" says Hope

"I'm suggesting we don't give it a pass because it's cute," says Dorian

"Can't we just... Leave it alone? It's trapped, it's not going anywhere. It's harmless..." asks Hope

"That's what y'all do in the show," I say

"How does that turn out?" asks Ric

"Ehhh... I wouldn't risk going down another path. Whatever happens is meant to happen," I say

"The hell does she mean 'in the show'?'" asks Dorian

"I mean this," I make gather some dust then blow it on Dorian, sharing how I'm stuck in a show. 

"First off, impressive. Second off, how--" starts Dorian

"Long story, just believe her," says Ric, Dorian nods.

"I guess as long as we keep it alive, other creatures won't be coming for the urn. So, we just, stay alert and... let it be," says Ric

"Alright, well... I'll be on alert back in bed," says Dorian


Later as I'm sleeping, I feel an itch in my nose. But then I feel super nice. Like I'm in a good mood. Great, I'm infected by the slug. But I don't care. As long as I follow the plot... what could happen? So, I sit up and smile, then go by the fireplace where Landon and Raf are. 

"Morning, handsome," I tell Landon, earning a 'Hey', then look at Raf, "Handsomes..."

"Mmm. Sweet, sweet carbs," I say, eating a cookie. 

"Somebody's in a really good mood," says Raf

I shrug, "Good night's sleep, I guess."

"For the first time ever?" Landon chuckles

I laugh, "You're so funny, I love it." I give him a quick nudge.

"Where's Hope?" asks Raf

"Think she went on a jog? Or she might be training with Ric," I say

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