What Are You Hiding From Everyone?

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"Ow! I say as Ethan and I are helping out in a festival-like event. Hope was back at the school, she couldn't make it this time, "I have done that like 5 times. Is it possible to die from a paper cut?"

"Careful. That's the best arm in town now," says Ethan, he had a cast on from the time when Josie broke his arm, "Lemme see," he looks at my hand, "Yeah... It's fatal."

I gasp, "Uh-oh... Guess it's time for a goodbye." He chuckles.

"Hey, you two, quit slacking. Tomorrow's festivities will not be thrown off by hormonal teenagers," says a guy

"First off, ew! Second off, we weren't," I say

"Right," he says sarcastically before waking away.

"Ruined by an old, white guy politician, though? Totally plausible," Ethan whispers, "How did that guy win an election?"

"Because society sucks," I say as I head over to another table.

He sighs and walks over to me, "Hey, I gotta head to practice."

"What? Your arm is broken," I say, then realize what I said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make that sound offensive."

"All good, and I can still help the team win," says Ethan

"Gotcha... See you after?" I ask

"Not unless you're coming to physical therapy with me. My life's a real party these days," he says then walks away, leaving us chuckling at his sarcasm, then he pauses and faces me again, "You ever wanna see me, You should probably just... ask me out." He slightly smirks then leaves.

Ehh, he's not my type... Or maybe I'm just saying that bc I'm not over Landon? Anyways, he and I aren't happening. So, lol.

I'm thrown out of my thoughts by someone smacking my ankle... Lizzie. Without wasting any time I get under the table, "What's up?"

"Hello? You were supposed to be keeping an eye on the portal to Malivore," says Lizzie

I look down, "Looks like I'm on top of it." I refer to the pit of goo that I'm seeing.

"Not on top of it enough. A zombie snuck onto campus this morning," says Lizzie

"I don't think it was from the portal. I mean, I've been here pretty much the whole night," I say

"It has the mark of Malivore carved into its skull. It's obviously from the portal. Maybe you were too busy flirting with the muggle--"

"I was NOT. I'm still not over Landon," I say

"Hey, by all means, flirt away. The faster you get over Landon, the sooner  I can stop worrying about Josie's happiness. We locked the zombie up, which means no more portal duty is required, and you and I can hang out today," says Lizzie

"Did I hear the last part right?" I ask

"If I spend any time with Josie, I will inevitably blow your secret. You want to protect her from heartbreak, you're stuck with me," says Lizzie

"Not gonna lie, she's been pretty much a bitch to me ever since she saw me with Landon, or saw me at all... but you're lucky I love her. Sure, let's hang," I say, then we get out from under the table.


"When I said that I wanted to hang out, this is not what I had in mind," says Lizzie as we come across a body that has been chewed alive by... probably the zombie.

I waved my hand in front of my nose to avoid the smell it had, "Gross... Who found him?"

"Alyssa Chang on her morning jog. Good thing, too. Otherwise, this place would be crawling with police. What kind of monster do you think we're dealing with?" asks Lizzie

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