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I slightly open my eyes only to see my phone light up. Eh, whatever. I'll just answer it later. But just as I roll over...

Ding! Ding, ding!

"Shut up," I whisper yell.


I groan and sit up, I look at my phone's notifications:

Instagram: riyahnahhh sent you a post.

Instagram: ilovespicychips liked your post.

Snapchat 2 >

(TAYTAY is typing...)

(TAYTAY sent you a chat.)

Messages: Ric (3)

YouTube: OBX4EVER liked your comment on their post.

I click on Ric's message:


Hey, N/n. I need a favor, do you

mind running some tests on Landon

to see what kind of supernatural he is?

That will be a requirement
to know if he's gonna stay

You know what, just come to my office real quick.


I roll my eyes as I get out of bed and text him 'BRT' as in 'Be Right There.'


"I need you to run tests on Landon. Try not to kill him?" asks Ric

"You had to call me here to say that? I can read, you know," I hold up my phone.

"Had to make sure you'd actually do that and not anything else. You get distracted a lot," he says

"Fine. I'll do the damn tests. Where is he?" I ask

"No idea. Just wait in his room?"

"Which is where?"

"Raf's room," says Ric

"Again, which is where?"

"Think it was Damon's old bedroom."

"Alright... I'll check," I then speed out of there. I missed doing that.


After waiting for a while, and getting some of the materials for testing ready, I hear the door open and close, "What are you doing here?"

"Ric wanted me to run some tests on you... see what you are," I say, then look at the needles I put out, "I'm gonna need a blood sample..."

His brows furrow, "No."


"No. These tests determine whether or not I get to stay at the school, right?" I nod.

"There's no I'm putting my future in your hands. You're biased," he says walking up to me.

"Okay. First off, ouch, and second off, no I'm not," I say, "And also it's not like we have a choice. You're obviously supernatural, you couldn't be compelled. So it's better to find out what you are so we can help you activate it as well, and also give you a higher chance of belonging somewhere."

Stuck In TVL (Landon Kirby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now