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This chapter may be short...

There I was. In complete darkness. It felt like I was in space... and well, there were no planets. 

"Post Tenebras Spero Lucem,"  I whisper, at least now there was some light, but not enough to see my surroundings... Because there was nothing in my surroundings. 

Not a little later, I feel a wind and a blue light. My way out. But as I was floating, someone holds me by my leg and pulls me back, "Screw you, Clarke. That was my way out."

"What's the point? Nobody remembers you," he says

"My best friend does," I say, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get out."

"You don't even know how to. I'll help you figure it out, then maybe you could take me with you," he says

"I know exactly how to. And I'm sorry, but I can't. Not in the plan I'm following. So... Cya, Clarke, you'll get outta here eventually," I say, then start walking away from him, only for him to follow me.

"Y/n, please! Let's make a deal--" he starts

"Motus!"  I cast, and he goes flying back to... wherever.

I feel the wind again, and the light opens out. This time, I let it pull me in. 

Here we go...


I wake up on the grass, it's dark outside. But I recognize the fence from the Salvatore Hotel... or well, school. As I'm heading towards it, I see a car getting out. 

'Hey, B/n?'


'Can you send me the book of spells I took notes of?'


Then I feel something fall on my head, "Ow-- Oh, thanks."

"I didn't see you, are you okay?" Dorian asks, getting out of his car. 

"All good, Dorian," I say

"Glad to hear it, but how do you know my name?" he asks

Shit... uh-, "Parking pass," I say, that was close.

He looks at his pass then back at me, "Always hated that picture."

"It's not that bad," I say

"What brings you out here tonight?" he asks

"A friend of mine and I used to come here, just figured I'd give it a visit," I say

"Well, we're all locked up in here. Everyone's gone for the summer," says Dorian

"Yeah," I say, "Have a good one, then."

"You, too," he says, then gets in his car and drives off.

When he's gone, I go to the gate code, and enter what I think is right, '(right) *0516' and the gate opens. Wow, lucky me.


It's gonna be such a pain to see Landon with Josie. I just know it. But I can't stop myself. I keep walking and walking until I reach the old mill. With my enhanced hearing, I hear them talking. 

"You started without me", I hear Josie say

"Your map worked," says Landon

"He's right here. What's the problem?" asks Josie

"He was, but then when I came out here to find him, that appeared," says Landon, he's probably referring to the circle on the map, signaling that Raf's just hanging around. 

"Raf's not missing. He just doesn't wanna be here anymore," says Landon, then I hear him stand up, "I knew this going in. I mean, uh, the longer he's a wolf, the less human he'll be, and at what point does a wolf no longer need a human best friend and movie nights?"

I should probably get Raf back in his body at some point. When I find him, at least.

I get closer, and now I can fully see the two of them.

Josie stands up, "Maybe he moved on," she walks up to Landon, "'Cause he saw that you have someone who can help you be happy... ish."

Please don't kiss... I feel my eyes tearing up a little. But no, Landon cups her cheek and leans in. I try to look away but I can't. It hurts too much to look but also it's too shocking to look away. He pulls her closer. I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I can't blame them, they don't remember me.

Then I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder, out of reflex and anger, I feel myself hold out my hand and push the person away.

"Ow! Y/n, what the hell?!" says an all too familiar voice.

"Hope?!" I whisper scream.

"Sorry if I scared you, but jeez..." she says, I speed over to her and help her up, "Sorry. It's just... what I just saw was hard for me to see."

"It's alright. I'm all healed," she says, then sees my teary face, "I wish I could help them remember you. Landon and I just haven't talked and you haven't come up at all. Even Ric doesn't remember you."

"I have a spell for that," another tear falls down, and this time, Hope wipes it off and gives me a hug, "Don't worry, he'll remember you."

"Yeah," I say as I hug her back.

There's a new monster, and I don't really feel like dealing with it, so I'm just gonna leave it for the plot to handle.

'Or I could do it...' says B/n

'Alright, lol. Show off,' I say


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