Screw Endgame

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Hope and I were working out by town square when we heard footsteps, "Y/n M/n L/n."

"Heyy, you remember," I say

"When I woke up from that spell Josie blasted me with, you popped back into my messed-up brain like an acid flashback," says Lizzie

"Yeah, only that spell is powerful enough to go against Malivore, I'm guessing," I say, then smile, "But I'm so glad that someone other than Hope knows me." I'm about to hug her when she says, "Epic former, friend reunion is gonna have to wait. We have bigger drama. Josie and Landon are having sex tonight."

"I know, and ouch," I say

"What?" asks Hope

"There's a decade dance. She asked me to find an excuse to stay with my dad. You have to stop it. Speak your truth. Spill your beans, tell your tale," says Lizzie

"I don't wanna hurt them... Either of them," I say

"You can't keep this a secret forever. They're gonna find out eventually," says Lizzie

"I know. Except, we have a game to play," I say

"What?" asks Lizzie

I turn around and see the Malivore pit getting activated. Then a lady that looks like she's from the 80s appears.

"Okay, lady. Send us to your stupid game," I say

"How did you know?" she asks as she giggles.

"I know things," I say

"Y/n, what's going on?" asks Hope

"It's alright, guys. I know how this ends. I've been rewatching," I say

"Welcome to the game," the lady holds up her bracelet and then disappears like a video game character.

"Well, that was... anticlimactic," Lizzie says as we start to walk again.

"Was it?" I ask, as we're crossing the street, we get hit, and 'die.'

"What just happened?" asks Lizzie

"I think 'the game' just started," says Hope, so we stand up and try again.

"So, since we're trapped here, are we ever gonna talk about how you came back from Malivore and decided not to tell any of us?" Lizzie asks me

"Would take you a while to believe me, and besides, it wasn't in the plot," I say. Hope casts a spell, but it doesn't work. 

"Sorry. No magic," I say as we get hit by a car again.

"Or Hope just did the spell wrong," she starts to siphon from Hope... except she can't.

"How's that siphoning going?" asks Hope

"Okay, fine. There's obviously no magic. And we're in some sort of death maze from hell... Y/n how do we get outta here?" asks Lizzie

"We need to kill the Keeper's pet. The Minotaur," I say

"Why is it the 80s?" asks Lizzie

"The Keeper's from the 80s. She's been in Malivore ever since," I say

"How do we get out?" asks Hope

"We need to win this game and kill the beast, frogger style," I say. This time when we stand up, we step on the street, then take a step back. After the car that hit us twice passes, we start walking again.

Sucks that the car sprayed us with water, but welp...

After that, we decide to dry up and get some new clothes. But as Lizzie was about to dry her hair, we got struck by electricity and had to restart the game again.

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