I Couldn't Have Done This Without You

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I was walking through the halls when I saw Josie. I gave her a greeting smile, but she only gave me a sad one in return. I'm guessing she's still not over the whole love triangle. That's fine. Time heals.

When I walked into my room, Hope walked up to me and hugged me, "Thank God you're back. I couldn't stand another minute of Alyssa Chang's complaints."

"Oh, right. Her. She thinks she's all that, she's so bitchy," I say

"I know, right?! She's so annoying!" says Hope, "I convinced Dr. Saltzman to let you and I be roommates again last minute."

"You're the best, and I'm grateful that Esther cheated on Michael for Klaus to be able to create you," I smile

"Wait, my grandma cheated?" she asks

"Yup. And your grandpa's a dick, so..." I say

"No wonder I never met him," she makes a face.

"Wait," I pause, "Are you okay with me talking about your family like that? I know it's kind of a late question but, uhh, just wanted to know."

"Honestly, I don't really mind. You knew my family before me and were close with them, it's both our losses if we think about their death. I'm actually glad that I can speak about it with someone who gets it," she chuckles

"Alright, then," I chuckle as well.

"Anyways, I gotta head to class. See ya," says Hope, then grabs her bag and leaves.

"Bye," I say, then start packing my bag. When I'm ready to leave, I feel someone's presence behind me. "Oh. So, you're the reason I had to move out."

I look to see Alyssa Chang, "Right. My bad."

"It is your bad. I had plans, the whole week, but because your ass just had to move back, I spent 3 days moving out into a room that I don't even like," she gets closer with each step.

"Sorry, to hear that..." I say

"You're not sorry. And you know, your fashion sense could use a bit of improvement. That skirt is just not it. It doesn't suit you. Honestly, I don't think anything will. And your hair could use a bit of styling. You have a bigger mirror than mine in your room. Why don't you use it? And you suck at makeup from what I can see," says Alyssa

"Not exactly wearing any. Didn't have time to," I say

"Oh... So that's why you look a bit colorless," she says

"Oh, so we're roasting now?" I chuckle, "Real mature." Obvi, I wanted to be the mature one if she wasn't going to, so I just kept walking to go to class. But Alyssa just had to say something else...

"Good luck staying in a room with Hope Mikaelson. You know, her father was evil? And so was the rest of her family. And well... like father like daughter. No wonder everyone was scared of her," she says

"You know nothing  about Hope. And 'was' is past tense. So, your words, not mine," with that, I walk away and hope she stops speaking altogether.


As I'm searching for my classes, I bump into Ric, who says, "You're late for class. Or are you lost?"

"Uh, both? Looks like a lot changed when I was gone. I mean, where's spell lab?" I look at my first class and ask him.

"No idea. I'm a little out of the loop myself," he chuckles as we start walking, "I just like to stride confidently and, uh, nod in hopes that people don't figure that out," he whispers the last part, "But speaking of being out of the loop, Lizzie and Josie are avoiding me. Why? What's up?"

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