What Was Y/n Doing In Your Dreams?

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"How long do you think it's gonna be till the next monster shows up?" I ask Ric in his office. 

"It's hard to say. I've never actually seen an artifact glow before. Where did you hide the urn, by the way?" asks Ric

"Think it's better if only I know that... What should we tell the others? They should probably know if a Cyclops crashes their exam week," I say

"It's usually best to start with some form of the truth," says Ric

"And if the truth is the only thing you can't  say?" I ask

"Are you sure you want to keep all of this from Landon? I mean, I understand you wanting to protect him, but..." starts Ric

"I'll tell him eventually... But for now, he should enjoy his new home. It's not exactly the best news to know that your mother whom you've wondered about your whole life just left you the second she found you again," I say, Ric gives me a look. 

"Ric it's my secret anyway. Alright? So, please..." he nods. 

"The trick is to give everyone the right amount of information without giving away too much. We've been through this before with the knife, so it shouldn't come as too much of a shock. This is our chance to do things differently, more responsibly," says Ric


From my room, I heard Ric talking about what's been happening with Malivore, and due to that, we transported the youngsters to the Lockwood Mansion. Some other people who weren't youngsters decided to go, too. Obvi, Hope and I weren't one of them. 

"Where were you yesterday?" asks Hope

"Saving Landon... sorta," I say

"You're still not gonna admit you like him?" she asks, I look at her and smile. 

"What?" she asks

"We're actually dating now..." I say

She sits up, "What?! Since when??"

"Since yesterday I asked him if he'd like to be my boyfriend," I say

"I honestly thought you were more of a Raf person," she said

"Landon's more mysterious," I say

"Well, let's just hope he doesn't turn out like Roman," she says

"Your ex? Oh, hell nah," I say making her laugh. 

"He does show up at Miss Mystic when you and Landon are dancing in the show," I say

"Me and Lan-- What?" she asks

"If I wasn't here it'd be you who falls for Landon," I explain

"Well, in that case, I'm glad you're here, cause he isn't my type," she laughs

"I don't know. Maybe Roman won't show up now that things are different. But maybe he will, I honestly don't know," I say

"What if your  ex shows up?"

"Who? Stefan or Damon?"

"Still can't believe you dated both brothers," she says

"I liked Stefan first, then the sire bond and shit happened, but also when Stefan was away working for ye dad, Damon was always on my side. Guess that sorta made me fall for him when I realized I'm more like him," I say

"My dad?" asks Hope

"Long story. From what I remember, I think Damon was dying from a werewolf bite and Klaus being Klaus told Stefan that if he wanted to save his brother, he'd have to do exactly as he's told. So, he turned his humanity off for a while, and, uh, became a ripper. I tried to get him to be himself again but uh... failed. Then I guess I started to fall for Damon as well, the sire bond probably helped a little but... I don't know. I guess I'm just more of a Damon person. Never meant to hurt Stefan, though," I say

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