There Is A World Where Your Dreams Come True

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Quick note, this is gonna be a pretty short chapter since this episode is mostly just about Lizzie. No offense to her tho Lizzie's great. 


"You sure it glowed again?" asks Hope as we're in Ric's office the next day. 

"I sleep with the damn thing under my pillow. It's hard to miss," Ric picks up his arrow gun. 

"What do you think it's gonna be this time?" I ask

"Cyclops? Slender Man? Santa?" asks Hope, Ric chuckles.

"Well, given our luck, I think it's safe to rule out Ol' Saint Nick," says Ric

"I don't know. I mean, Santa Claus is kind of terrifying when you think about it," she says

"He sees our every move. He knows what we're doing," I say

"Breaks into your home, not to mention, judgy," says Hope

"Girls, I need you to focus," says Ric

"Trying, it's hard with this urn always on our asses, though," then I look beside me, "The fu--"

"You can see me?" asks a blue girl. 

"You Jinni or something?" I ask

"I was supposed to be invisible..." she says

"Y/n, who are you talking to?" asks Hope

"You don't see her?" I refer to Jinni who's sitting beside me. 

"No?" says Ric. 

"Guess I'm the only one--" then I notice that she's gone, "Uh, never mind?"

"I wish that knife was never in our school to begin with, but it's not like we can change that now. All we can do is make sure we're not blindsided by another monster waltzing through our doors," says Ric

"Too late. There's cuttingly a genie that goes by Jinni on the loose. She's no harm, though. Just grants wishes," I say, even though Jinni isn't by me anymore.

"If she's a Malivore monster we obviously have to defeat it," says Hope

"Leave that to Lizzie. She takes care of it," I say

Then we hear the door open and turn to see Lizzie and Josie with suitcases. 

"Speak of the devil..." says Hope

"Oh, God... Uh, girls, what are you doing here?" asks Ric, "You're not supposed to get in until tonight."

"Mom was able to get us direct into Dulles. Then faxed, texted, and e-mailed you our revised itinerary," says Lizzie, who also looks super pissed. 

"I'm so sorry. It's-- it's chaos around here," says Ric

"It's okay, Dad. We know that you're overwhelmed. But Europe was amazing. And seeing Mom was really good--" starts Jo

"Jo's covered the bright side. Far less sunny was waiting for you in the chilly dark of morning at the terminal, and you not showing up," Lizzie throws off her jacket. 

"In his defense, um, we've been in crisis mode around here," says Hope

"Oh, we've heard all about it. Hope and Y/n got bamboozled by one of the monsters, and now only two keys separate the entire supernatural community from being consumed by a hell portal. I'm guessing that weird little vase is one of them?" Lizzie refers to the urn. 

"It's an urn, actually," says Hope

"I don't care what it is," Lizzie makes a face, "I care that instead of being welcomed at the airport, we were forced to take a 3-hour shuttle ride that smelled like an open sewer... and feet! Thanks a lot, girls! Way to ruin life for the rest of us..."

"Eww... I'm sorry, you went through that. If it helps I got a shampoo that smells like flowers, you can tell me if you like it then use it if the smell's still on you," I offer

She sighs, "I guess I could give it a try... But I'm still mad."

"You do you," I say as she and Josie leave. 

"Why are you so nice to her?" asks Hope

"She hasn't given me a reason not to be," I shrug

"She's never really been that nice to me," says Hope

"That's all just a big misunderstanding. You two are like best frenemies in the future," I say

"If you say so, I guess," she says


We spot Lizzie as Hope and are walking through the halls, "Hey."

"Hey... What's all that?" asks Lizzie, referring to the materials Hope and I were holding. 

"We were thinking we could spell a barrier around the urn," I say

"Yeah... So that when the next monster shows up, we can trap it," says Hope

"You, uh, wanna help?" I ask

"Pass," she says and walks away. 

"What's her  deal?" asks Hope

"She's had a day... She and the Jinni had a day. Which ended up with her freeing the Jinni," I say

"Hmm," says Hope, then we go along with our new plan again. 

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