Mystic Falls

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⚠️ This book does contain a lot of inappropriate stuff, such as cuss words, sexual jokes (probably), etc. If you're uncomfortable with those, feel free to hop off at any time ⚠️


Damon walks me into a bar, "What were we gonna do here? I forgot," I say

"You could start off by telling me why you got a hot new haircut. Not that I don't like it," says Damon

"Why the hell not? It might attract guys, I'm a little horny," I smirk

"You do realize I'm your boyfriend, right?" asks Damon

"You do realize I'm still not over Stefan... right?" I laugh, but then my face turns straight again, "Ok, that was a lie. I don't know why but it just came out," I said, I don't know why I felt a little... bad?

"I know it was..." says Damon

I laughed at the thought of the flashback Damon has here in this scene, "Oh, how you got Lexied here a little back ago."

Then Bex rushed in and slammed Damon's head on the table, "Following a lead without me? Poor form, Damon."

"Hey, Bex, you should try turning off your humanity, it's great," I say

"You turned it off?" asks Bex

"Sure did."

"Bloody hell... Why?" asks Bex

"Life was being shitty," I said

"Trust me, darling, I know. I've lived a thousand years of it, but it's never the answer. And I'm going to make sure you get it back," says Bex

I laugh, "Good luck with that. And Damon, I'm not gonna let you do the same thing with me that Lexi did to you," I say, referring to how Lexi made Damon turn his humanity back on.

"You read the last page of the book first, too?" asks Damon

"I guess," I say, then without an explanation, I feel my vision go black. Which is weird because I didn't feel a needle. Vervain wouldn't affect me either.

"Y/n? Y/N?!" I hear both Damon and Bex scream... What in the bloody hell--


I feel a jolt down my spine, and as I look around, I notice that I'm lying down on a bench. I'm near the Mystic Grill and have a bag near me. It's a pretty bag, definitely my style. Then I realize...

"Damon?!" I scream sitting up, I get a few weird looks from the people around me. That's about the time when I realize I feel different. I'm upset, but my humanity is on. When the hell did the flip get switched?

I still don't have Jeremy, I still lost everyone. It may be a fantasy family but it's real in this world. It still hurts.

Why won't it turn off?

Then I felt a buzzing on... what happened to be a new necklace around my neck. I touched it, and it shined, then I heard, "Because you're a new person... and no longer in TVD"

"What? Wait, B/n is that you?"


"So, guess we're communicating through a necklace now?"

"We can communicate through thoughts, but only if you're wearing the necklace."


(I'll use 'these' marks while Y/n is communicating with B/n now.)

'So, why can't I turn it off?' I ask

'Bc you're not a vampire anymore. And it's 2018," says B/n

'Wait... HOLY SHIT! I'm in the Legacies now??'

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