Let Loose The Fairy

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When I got in my room, I saw Alyssa on my  bed making out with Jed.

"Girl... What the hell?" I ask

"I missed my old room," she shrugged as Jed was getting out.

"Dude, go to your own room. You're acting so immature," I say

"Sorry, Y/n," I hear Jed say before he leaves.

"That's what you get for stealing my room," she says as she walks to the door, "Better get used to it."

"I'm too lazy to be dealing with this. I'm crashing at Landons," I say before leaving after grabbing my Chemistry of Magic textbook.

"Sure, go crash with that emo guy," says Alyssa

I roll my eyes, "Don't make me give you a nosebleed. Wouldn't wanna ruin your face more than it already is." I start walking out as well.

"Jed seems to like it," she says

"Yeah? Jed and who else?" I ask, I know I'm being mean--

Wait... why am I being mean? I wouldn't usually say that to someone... Oh, right. The Malivore monster of this episode. Eh, whatevs.

"Please, as if you get guys anyway," says Alyssa

"I do actually, let's see, Matt, Stefan, Damon," I fake gasp, "And Landon and Raf, so that's... 1 to 5?" I smirk

Why am I comparing the people we've pulled now? Okay, I need to let this monster stop bothering me.

"Whatever. I don't need to get guys to like me to know I'm pretty. Have fun holding hands with Lanny... or whatever," she flips her hair and leaves... True though. This monster is definitely affecting me.


"Okay, that was a little hard--"  I hear Landon say before he drops to the ground, "Okay, um, to be clear, when I asked for training, I sort of meant for beginners."

I realize what I did and help him up, "Sorry. Alyssa Chang sort of pissed me off this morning. Bitch just can't get enough of my room, and now she's acting all immature. She literally has no boundaries, feel like she's trying to manipulate me into giving my room back to her... which it was never hers in the first place."

"Yeah, bullies'll do that. Trust me, I pretty much have PhD on the subject," says Landon

"She makes me wanna freaking murder someone again, least I wouldn't have to deal with Connor this time," I say referring to the once vampire hunter I killed.

"Hold up, you murdered someone? And you had to deal with Connor? like the  Connor from Mystic Falls High?" he furrows his brows.

"Nonono, Connor Jordan. He was a vampire hunter that I killed when I was back in TVD. He was trying to teach Jeremy to kill vampires, and from what I remember, things got a little violent which pissed me off, so I  killed him in order to get him to leave Jeremy alone, I wasn't the only person who wanted to. Then the dude got in my head for a while, made me accidentally stab Jeremy--" I start

"Wait, what?" he asks

"I was seeing Connor, he was pissing me off, and then to make him go away I just grabbed a random sharp object near me and sped to stab him, but apparently that wasn't Connor, it was Jeremy. Luckily he had a ring that brought him back to life," I say, then sigh, "I do feel guilty for killing him, but then also, if someone's gonna mess through my brother, they have to get through me first, you know."

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