Guess Monsters Can Look Pretty Similar

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As Hope and I walk through the forest, we see purple goo, "What is that?" I ask

"Probably the latest monster I saw. We should follow its tracks," says Hope, so we do.

We track it all the way down to Mystic Falls High, we stop by the janitor's closet.

"Dissera Portus,"  Hope casts, and the door opens. No one's in there.

As we're about to leave, we hear "Aren't you two a little short for a janitor?" It's Ethan, "It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to hide out on the first day of school."

"Oh, no. We weren't hiding. We were, uh, looking for the principal's office," says Hope

"Which that clearly isn't it," I point at the door we just opened. 

"Well, you're in luck. I'm new, too, but I'm pretty sure that's him right behind you," says Ethan, I look behind me and... It's Ric? Right. He was voted off as Headmaster.

"Hi, I'm Principal Saltzman," says Ric

"I know who you are, Ric," I say

"... Who are you?" he asks

"Sorry, allow me to... remind myself," I take out my book, looking for the spell that Josie casted to remind people of others who got into the Malivore pit.

I hold up my hand, and focus on Ric, "Harae-Tamai Kioku Yomigaerashi-Tamae"  I cast, a little blackness leaves my hand, and finds its way to Ric's chest.

"Jesus, that was strong. And black magic, Y/n, what were you thinking?!" asks Ric

"Well, guess you remember who I am then," I say, he finally realizes.

"The spell doesn't harm, the black magic is just the strength. You'll be fine. You're human anyway," I say

"I guess you're right..." he says, "Did you go back to the school yet?"

"Not yet. I was thinking I could chill here for a little," I say

"What? No, you belong at the school," says Hope

"I don't wanna see them..." I say

"See who?" asks Ric

"Landon's with Josie now. Can't be mad, he doesn't remember me," I say

"Oh..." says Ric, "That's fine. You can chill here until you decide it's the right time to remind everyone of you."

"That's actually not up to me. Josie does the spell. And I can't do anything to stop it, otherwise the plot will literally stop me. I can change some things, but nothing too major," I say

"Alright... Well, you do what you need to do then," says Ric

I nod, then head to the bathroom with Hope following me. I stand across from the mirror and take deep breaths. The more I think about Landon and Josie, the more I think about all these people not remembering me, the more it hurts.

"You okay?" asks Hope

"It just hurts. I wish I didn't jump. But if I didn't the plot would just push me in," I say

"How do you know? I thought you were in control of your body," asks Hope

"I am. And I'm pretty sure I can handle it if I were to go against it, but then I'd have to take the risk of things being different. And I don't know if I can handle that," I say

"What's the plot even made you done in the past?" asks Hope

"Well, the first experience I had was... When I was dating Stefan, and he was away working with Klaus... Damon and I got pretty close. I probably developed feelings without knowing. And there was a scene where he and Elena, whom I was replacing, kissed him. And I mean I was still feeling for Stefan, I didn't exactly want to kiss him... but then I felt this force just pushing me to kiss Damon. Then I knew that I wasn't alone there. The plot's gonna make me do the right thing, and if I don't..." I start

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