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"Where is the damn ascendant?" I ask after Hope and I had locked Alyssa in the cellar. Hope casted a truth spell on her, and I guess that the ascendant she had in her room was the one she linked to the one which held the prison world that Kai lived in, "Why isn't Hope's truth spell working?"

"Hm, I guess that anti-charm potion I took is working," says Alyssa

"Too bad it doesn't give you any actual charm," I say, she keeps doing yoga in the cellar as she has done this whole time.

"Enough with the games, stop acting like a child. Help me bring the Saltzmans back," I say

"Why? So you and Hope can be the hero and save the day?" she asks

"Is this what this is about? You do realize that everything that's happened to you is because of you, it's up to you to become a better person," I say

"If I knew how annoying you'd be, I would have sent you away, too," she says

"Don't make me torture you until you give me an answer," I say

"Sorry, but I don't negotiate with basic witches. So, I'm never telling you where the ascendant is," she says, going into another yoga pose, "Namaste."

"Basic? Honey, I'm not the mirror. But fine, be like that. Everyone talks... eventually," then I leave.


Well, I know the scene after this, so I speed into the forest where I see Landon fighting-- sorry, trying to fight that Cupid guy.

"Phoenix powers, activate!" I hear him from a distance and chuckle to myself.

"Damn, kid! get off of me!" I hear the Cupid guy say, I laugh at his reaction.

"Not so fast!" Landon attacks again.

"Ow! My wing! You idiot!" he kicks Landon off of him, I'm not close enough to see and hear.

The cupid guy gets ready to shoot Landon, "No, no, don't-- don't shoot!" Landon shouts before curling up and winching.

Before Cupid can shoot him, I catch the arrow, "You're a little old for a Cupid, don't you think?"

"Ouch?" says Cupid as Landon gets up.


So, Landon and I bring Cupid into the gym and cut off his wings so he's got nowhere to go. I put up a barrier spell so he can't leave. Right now, I'm cleaning the blood off the knife that I used to cut off his wings. Kinda feel bad, but then again, he's from Malivore.

"You monsters. You have no idea how long it took me to grow those," says the guy

"I do feel bad. But I had to make sure you couldn't leave, sorry," I say, "Now, why are you here? You serve Malivore or someone else?"

"I serve the highest power of all, love," he says

"Right. Talking about 'love'," I use finger quotes, "Where were you trying to take my boyfriend?" I just quote Hope in this scene in order to continue the conversation.

"That guy's your boyfriend?" he asks

"Yeah?" I ask as if it wasn't obvious, "Problem? Better not be."

Cupid chuckles, "Uh, I wasn't trying to take him anywhere. He started it."

"Hey-- no, he... he was flying around, shooting people," says Landon, I hand him the scissors and napkin.

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