Save Six Lives or Save One

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I skipped the episode "Kai Parker Screwed Us" since neither Hope nor Y/n had a role in that episode.


As I was walking through the school, a few kids kept repeating, "A new hero rises, and he will take flight. But when the arrow finds him, a new hero dies."

They were referring to Hope and Landon, weren't they? Or well... Landon and me now. They were talking about how Landon floated, or well, 'rise'/'flight'. But when he's struck by the arrow...

I don't even want to think about it. I mean, it won't be that bad, he'll just be human. But then I'd have an increased chance of losing him.

 The kids started spinning around me in a circle, then pointed towards my hand... the golden arrow. The only thing that can make a phoenix human.

"A new hero rises, but can be felled by the golden arrow," I hear, before seeing Landon on the stairs with blood on his chest.

"Landon," I rush over to him, "Shit--"

"Y/n," I hear a voice behind me, turning around to see Dark Josie, "We're not alone."


That's about time when I wake up. The ascendant is still broken, the books I was using for research are still open. I sigh as I put my head in my hands


"Hey," I enter Landon's room.

He smiles as he looks at me, "Hey."

"What's all this?" I ask, referring to all the paper/calculations on his wall.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep. And I was just up all night trying to figure out how I was able to fly," he walks over to me, "Or, you know... float." He takes me over to his calculations, then I notice his arm is wrapped up. Did he hurt himself trying to fly again?

"Please tell me you didn't..." I look at his arm.

"Oh, it's just from the top of the garage. I had to see if I could make myself do it again. 'Cause the current working theory is the spike of adrenaline when we kissed caused something to happen, but so far..." As he's speaking, I'm still looking at his wrist. I don't realize that until he says, "Um... Hey, what's wrong?"

"Hm? Oh... Uh, probably my lack of sleep. And, uh... I had a dream about you being hurt, and, uh, me not being able to save you. Guess that sorta hit a nerve," I say

"It's the prophecy, right?" he asks, I'm silent... mostly cuz idk how to respond to that.

"Look, just because I hovered off the ground once doesn't mean that I'm the hero who rises," he takes me over to his bed as we sit down, "It could be Wade, for all we know. He's the one with actual wings."

"Well, Dorian said that there was a golden arrow in the inventory of our stolen arsenal. And it's the only thing that can kill a phoenix," I blurt out... "Surprised I was able to blurt that out..."

"It is?" he asks, his brows furrowing a bit.

"Well, not completely. It just kills the phoenix. Not the soul," I say

"Well, either way... You'll just Superwoman in and save the day, like you always do," he says

"Unless the plot says otherwise," I mumble

"Huh?" he asks

"I still haven't figured out how to bring the Saltzmans back," I say

"I know. I know you feel like you have to fix this--" he starts

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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