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The week after, it was Deucey's third birthday thrown at a in and out door playground. The silver body and tinted window Lexus LX600 parked next to the familiar Jeep Wrangler Unlimited sitting on 40-inch tires that belonged to her eldest son. Shantey leaned into the back driver side door unfastening Tahir from his carseat as Amanda done the same for Tahji. Kareem, Seona, and Ameer stood beside the car.

Not being in the spirits to dress up, Shantey garbed herself in an oversized embossed logo hoodie and biker shorts. The trucker hat sat atop her sleek bun, and Jordan shoes on her feet. With the sun beaming in the clear sky, low eighty degree weather, she was expected to wear the normal Summer outfits. But since the birth of her twins, she didn't feel pretty with her body. Her previous pregnancies the snapback for her body was easier. The last go round her body was fuller, the pudge in her stomach lasted longer and dealing with issues in her marriage didn't help her confidence lately.

"No, Boogie!"

Seona's shout averted Shantey's attention to the trio, placing Tahir against her chest, and watching Ameer attempt to run across the way.

"You run over there Ima whup yo' ass," Shantey warned just for Ameer to suck his teeth and mug Seona. "Hold hands," she instructed.

"Snitch." Ameer grumbled, yanking hands with Kareem and Seona.

"Don't snatch my hand," Kareem said, as the back doors closed and she walked around with the double seated stroller. "I didn't tell."

"All three of y'all just stay there." His mother commanded. Amanda parked the stroller ahead of Shantey, and she leaned over to place Tahir inside with his twin. "Why the big kids decide to ride with Romeo?"

"So they ain't gotta help us." Shantey chuckled, buckling in Tahir safely.

Amanda chuckled too. "Right. Y'all gonna carry they diaper bag?"

"No!" Kareem, Ameer, and Seona spoke in unison.

"Exactly what I thought."

They start heading for the entrance, and Shantey pushing the stroller.

"Is Daddy here?" Ameer asked, hopping up on the sidewalk.

"I don't know.." Shantey answered, pushing the stroller up the ramp while Amanda held the door open for them. "Nor do I care," she adds in a whisper.

The only reason for her presence attending the birthday party was her relationship with De and Amaury. She also loves Duecey, and would feel bad missing his party all because of adult issues. So she got herself up and out the house for the first time.

"How you think this bouta be with DeAundre and Amaury and all his girlfriends?" Amanda asked, the last to enter into the building. "I know she not too fond of that situation."

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