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      The ninety-three thousand square foot library was filled to capacity with fans of De and his family in the front row

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The ninety-three thousand square foot library was filled to capacity with fans of De and his family in the front row. It was the last stop of his book tour and there was no other place he wanted to do it other than his hometown.

Tavon was proud of his brother, watching and listening to the way he articulated the answers about his New York Times Best Selling book. That was the brother knew—the one more than a street thug. Growing up Tae always had in his mind he would lose his brother to the streets but lost him to prison instead. Even after De's release, Tae still had that linger fear De would go back to what he knew and then burying him would be the only option. Although Tae gave his brother the push forward, De proved a lot of people wrong and left his past life in his rear view.

Tae sat between Ken and Cru, listening to his brother finishing up on responding to a fan that asked about his passion for music. "We have time for one more question." Annika, De's book tour coordinator announced in the mic she held to pass along to fans.

Several hands raised and Annika went over to the first one she noticed. Her steps in her round-toe pumps were short and over to the young woman that stood up and pushed her braids over her shoulder. "Hi, I'm Denyse," she greeted in the mic, smiling nervously at De. "I think we all know taking accountability can be one of the hardest things to do for humans in general. A lot of the times it's our ego. When did you let go of ego and finally take accountability?"

"Mm, good question, Denyse." De smiled over to the young woman. "A lot of people would think that happened while I was in prison. Probably even after I got out. But that would be a lie. My accountability honestly didn't start until a year and a half ago. I didn't realize how long I was allowing my ego to rule me until I actually sat to myself, thinking on everything I done, what I caused, and finally had to say: "That's on me". I've forgiven myself. The only way for me to move forward. And you're right, Denyse, accountability is hard. But we get it done in our own timing."

Hands clapped, humming around the two-story library as Annika took the mic back from the fan. "Wonderful. We have gift bags for everyone over by the meet and greets area. I'll direct you that way. We'll give Mr. Booker a ten minute break to mingle with his family before he heads over there. And enjoy the gift card to pre-order the TCxRBK sneakers releasing in November."

The fans stood in unison, following Annika's direction while De head off the stage protectively guarded by the two bodyguards his brothers forced on him. He went straight into greeting his family. His brothers first then to his older niece and nephews. "Where the youngins?"

"Oh they wit they Mamas, they woulda been running around this mutha fucka. You know they attention spans short." Toby answered and De chuckled.

"True. Troy and Romeo?"

"Ro had to work and Troy.." he glanced over to Toby, "we ain't seen him."

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