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      Shantey waved at the Maybach GLS Truck belonging to Jayla after giving her baby clothes—either too small or never worn—for she and De's baby baking in the oven. Jayla honked her farewell, and Shantey start to turn inside but known Cadillac XT6 pulling into her driveway stopped her footing. The male getting out the drive seat was a good six-foot-three and toned under his casual attire. His melanin was rich, deep and ebony brown and his 360 waves held a shine.

      "Hey, Jeffery," She greeted her best friend's boyfriend. "Amanda's at DMG with Courtney."

      "Yeah I just left." His deep voice booms, "I'm here to talk to you."

      Shantey nodded and invited Jeffery inside. "Want anything to drink?"

      "I'm okay. Thank you." he declined respectfully, and followed Shantey's lead to the family space. He sat on one couch while she sat on the other.

      "What's going on? You and Amanda okay?" She asked.

      "Yeah, we good. I'm actually here because of Amanda and me." Jeffery said, exhaling nervously. "I want to ask her to marry me." he revealed, surprising his woman's best friend.

      "Oh wow." Shantey smiled, "Did you both talk about marriage?"

      "We have. But I think she's afraid."

      "Of what? The marriage?"

      "Getting in deep and leaving you, and the kids." Jeffery revealed, and Shantey lifted a brow. "I don't want to have a conversation that's meant for you two to have but I notice it. I feel it. I accept her for exactly who she is, what she comes with. I would never ask her to change. I would never ask you or her relationship to change all because of me. But I do want her hand in marriage and I'm asking you because you're the only person on this earth with the kids that's important to her. So, Shantey, will you allow me to marry your best friend?"

      "What? Of fucking course!" She answered quick and genuinely. "I won't ever deny my best friend happiness. When do you plan on purposing?"

      "Tonight after she's done at DMG. Gonna take her on a helicopter flight to dinner. I want to show you the ring," he paused to reach into his pocket and the velvet blue box he gave to Shantey.

      Lifting the lid, she eyed the two-stone garnet and diamond ring with gold magnetic bands.

      "This is beautiful," she gawked over the ring before looking at Jeffery. "She's gonna love it. It's her birthstone, too."

      "Thanks." Jeffery smiled, retrieving the ring back. "I want it to be perfect."

      "It will be. I will say though, you make her cry, she's going to kick your ass." Shantey warned, and she and Jeffery laughed.

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