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      He had his day all planned out

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      He had his day all planned out. Take Seona to her ballet class; being she was the only child with him, confirm the date on Booker Seafood New Orleans, meet with his brothers about their sneaker line release and photoshoot, tend to Tuff Crowd business, and go over to-do's for TCF. But instead, his start of the day went the opposite. The plan to focus on business went out the window once he read over the headline on US Weekly.

Exclusive! Shantey Ledé and Tavon Booker's daughter face finally revealed!
As we all know, the soon-to-be divorcees have never shown the faces of their younger children; but today, that's changed. After short years of hiding in plain sight, three-year-old Seona Booker has been spotted entering Tutu Dance Academy in Long Beach with who seems to be her bodyguard. Isn't she beautiful?

      The only thing on his mind once seeing the five photos of Seona and her security TD was to pick her back up and bringing her with him to the TCF office where he met up with Arie and publicist Phae inside the conference room. While they talked behind him, Tavon stood at the glass walls, staring out into the space Seona was coloring in with TD; forcing the muscular, typically stone faced body-guard to color with her and actually crack smiles.

      Seona remained in her leotard and Tuff Crowd kiddo sweatpants to cover her legs. Her black hair was done neatly in the ballet bun, her edges swooping naturally. Tae inhaled strongly before releasing the breath.

      "Did y'all notice?" Tae asked, ceasing the conversation between Arie and Phae.

      "Did we notice what?" Arie asked.

      Pulling his eyes off Seona, Tae turn around towards the women. "That those photos from five different days. They both wearing different outfits. So, that mean somebody been following my child."

      "Who been what?" Toby asked, catching the midst of the conversation; along with De.

      Tae went into giving his older brothers the rundown.

      "Oh, somebody wanna die, then." Was the first thing De said.

      "I didn't hear that." Arie respond to De and then went on to say to Tae, "Do you think this could be a stalker? Old girlfriend? Someone you slept with?"

Tae shot Arie a blank stare. "Not nobody I slept wit."

      "Think it's Winnie?" Toby baritone asked, sitting in a chair. "She prolly mad you fired her. She do know where the kids shit be and they schedule."

      "After sleepin' wit her," De adds and went on. "But that would be pointless. What other reason would she have to.." he paused once he saw the stare Tae and Arie gave one another. "I saw that shit. What don't we know?"

      Toby shot a confused expression, eyeing his brother and their manager.

      "Shall y'all tell them, or..?" Phae inquired to Arie and Tae.

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