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The court day had come, and the soon-to-be divorcees never once made eye contact with one another; neither having anything to say to each other

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The court day had come, and the soon-to-be divorcees never once made eye contact with one another; neither having anything to say to each other. It was about win or lose in their eyes. The right table was occupied by Tae and his attorney, Chi. Tavon rocked a two-piece Tom Ford suit with a similarly shaded turtleneck sweater. At the left table was Shantey and her attorney, Jean. She wore a camel suit with a tight gold metallic bodysuit underneath. Her bun was slick and partly tucked creating a feathered look with a slim bang hanging slightly down her brow.

"The point that we're trying to make here, Your Honor, is Tulsa is simply not a safe city for children," Chi argued, standing at the table. "and quite frankly, Ms. Washington either. She's had two of her three overdoses is that very city. Her dealer and the man that forced her into prostitution still resides there."

"Yeah, we get your point, Chi." Jean stood as well at her table, "That's what you've made your entire case about. But might we remember, Your Honor, my client has done her works to get and stay clean. You've heard from witnesses; even her sponsor speaking on how highly my client has transitioned her life. If we make this about everyone's past mistakes, let's speak on when Mr. Booker beat someone so violently in his teen years that the victim is still dealing with physical issues to this day—"

Scoffing quietly, Tae shook his head and Chi cut Jean off. "Objection! My client's mistakes he made when he was a teenager doesn't define him today. He was clearly defending himself in the rough neighborhood he grew up in."

"But its okay to penalize my client for her past?" Jean snickered, "Sounds very hypocritical to me."

"My client has never put his children in the line of danger or even might. In Ms. Washington's case, it's unpredictable."

"Are you a fortune teller now?" Jean asked, looking over at Chi with a smirk as he stare her way. "A little side job for ya?"

The judge banged the gavel, getting each attorney's eyes to look at him. "Save the sarcasm for outside of my courtroom, Counselors." he voiced in his natural monotone, "I've heard enough. Bring in your final witness, Miss Jenkins.

Confusion took over Chi's expression instantly. "Um, sorry, Your Honor, I wasn't aware of another witness."

"He just decided to testify on my client's behalf, Your Honor." Jean said quickly and adds, "He's an important factory in this case."

"Who's the witness?"

Shantey, Chi, and Tae both had demented looks; Jean being the only one aware of who would take the stand.

"Um.." Jean glanced over to Shantey and swallowed. "Romeo Booker; their eldest son. If anyone can speak on their parents behalf, it's him, Your Honor."

Shantey sat forward hurriedly. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"The fuck she talkin' bout?" Tae asked Chi, "We said specifically—

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