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      The custody day was approaching; just seven days out

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The custody day was approaching; just seven days out. Business and her kids had been her focus. Dèxe Apparel had a photoshoot for the new unisex collection to release just in time for the Christmas holiday. Amanda returned to participate, along with handle business since her frequent stay in Tulsa with her son and fiancé. All of the children were involved; Shantey and her eight on the white backdrop in the smoke gray, cozy sets in boucle knit fabric.

Although Seona's face was released without approval recently, Shantey let the photographer get face shots of not just the ones that have been seen already, but Azoni and the twins too. She wanted to take matters into her own hands and not allow anyone else to profit off her children.

Her niece and nephew, Kory and Kendra joined. Shantey wanted them to embrace their curls, everyone wore their curly states. Tahir was asleep, resting on Kendra's lap, Tahji, was fussier. Shantey called for a break to feed her when an unexpected visitor arrived.

"Scottie!" The kids shouted, and engulfing their southern born nanny in embraces.

Smiling and feeding Tahji, Shantey approached Scottie to her kissing the kids on the forehead. "Welcome back," she said. "How's your sister?"

"Much better," Scottie answered as he lifted Azoni in her arms and he rested his head on her shoulder.

"You can't leave that long anymore," Seona mentioned sassily.

"Yeah! We thought you left us forever." Ameer said.

"And leave my babies; no way." Scottie pinched Ameer cheek gently.

"Now y'all go eat before we change into another look." Shantey advised, and they ran off to the food table.

"Full up in here. Hey, Ams!" Scottie greeted across the photography studio; Amanda waving from the table and let her know she would be over there. "This for y'all clothing brand?"

"Yeah. These kids been running around all noon," Her eyes rolled as she took a seat still feeding Tahji.

"Hey, hey." Amanda approached, carrying a plate of the food assortments laid out for them.

"Look at you; been all in Oklahoma witcha mans."

"Fiance," Amanda corrected, giving Scottie a wink and smile. "But yes."

"You doing any wedding planning yet?" Scottie asked.

"Not at all. I told him let's stay engaged for a year and go from there."

"What about more babies?"

"Im not against it."

"Good, cause Ima need a niece outta you." Shantey says then added, "Give me a bite of your taco."

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