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        "You know how many shows are requesting to book you?" Jasmine spoke inside the suite of the Brooklyn hotel

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       "You know how many shows are requesting to book you?" Jasmine spoke inside the suite of the Brooklyn hotel. "TBC of course cause Charlamagne them love you, TRL, JHUD, Tamron, Good Morning America, and that's only a few that's blew me up."

      "We agreed; I'm not doing any press until HTFH is released." Shantey spoke from the couch, stretched out with her feet crossed at the ankles on Sino's lap. "Done one little interview after the documentary and went ghost again. I pop up in the press when I want to."

      "You've earned it too," Sino said, resting one of his arms on her legs.

      Once Shantey's phone rung, she pulled it up from her lap and saw Solana contact pop up on the screen requesting to video call. Shantey answered, and once the line connected and the look on the melanin beauty's face showed, the singer stood up and went to the room to talk in private.

      "Hey, you okay?" Shantey asked Solana.

      "I'm pregnant.. and I'm not keeping it." Solana announced, and shocked the singer making her sit on the bed.

      "Oh," Shantey gathered her words. "I'm sorry I'm just surprised. You hit me with it real fast. Does everybody know?"

      "Just my household, aside from the kids." Solana exhaled. "De's about to be on his book tour and he knows that I'm not keeping it. He supports it. I just... I don't know. I feel like he's just agreeing for me because he loves me."

      "Then you accept his support." She told Solana. "That's all you can really do. You don't want another child, you made that clear. You are the one that's going to have to carry the baby and the primary parent caring for it rather the father is present or not. The mother's do all the work either way. Don't birth a baby you don't want. The kid will just feel that in the end." she advised, knowing the feeling of being raised by a parent that doesn't love her.

      "Right. I'm doing it regardless," Solana voiced after taking in Shantey's words. "Even if it breaks us. Which I don't want," she defended quickly. "I love the fuck outta him. I just know how DeAundre can be. Once you on his bad side his forgiveness not easy to get."

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