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      "Give itttt!" The loud whine on the basketball court snatched her attention off placing the pacifier in her twin boy's mouth. Boogie was crying, trying to take the basketball from Cru while Ken shook his head, bouncing the ball between his legs skillfully. "Give it to me!"

      "Nigga, no," Cru laughed as he held Boogie back by his head. "You wylin."

      Face scrunching and fist balled, Boogie swung his hand back and threw a right punch into Cru's stomach.

      Shantey started to shout across the backyard of her home but Ken grabbing Boogie stopped her. She sat back and allowed the oldest to discipline the youngest. "Now it's over with," he said to Boogie, "Cause if he hit you back you gon' be crying. Go Ameer. Bye. You not playing no more."

      Boogie groaned loudly, stomping away with his deep scowl.

      "I oughta throw this ball at his fat ass head." Cru threatened, as he raised up and held his stomach.

      "No you ain't," Ken said. "And quit cussing. Let's play HORSE."

      "Mommy, they won't let me play!" Boogie complained as he reached his mother.

      "You think I didn't see you punch him?" Shantey leaned up, swatting him on the behind. "Now you go inside and don't even think about coming out."

      The four-year-old stomped and groaned inside. "I'm calling my Dad!"

     "Call em!"

      The distant scream came from the young boy as Scottie walked out.

      "Whew! That boy and that damn screaming." Scottie said as she walked out carrying the twin girl. "You gotta visitor."

      "He better sit his ass down." Shantey warned, staring over to the visitor. A smile immediately planted on her lips. "Heyy, pretty lady."

      "Me? You." The dark skin beauty leaned over, offering her a cheek air kiss. Solana pulled back and went for the seat right across from her.

      "Ima take him in." Scottie offered, carrying picking up Tahir with his twin carefully held.

      "What brings you by?" Shantey asked. "Not that I don't appreciate the adult company. As you can see I'm dealing with a screaming child while I'm just trying to relax on my off day and away from the studio."

      "How is the album coming along?" Solana wondered, withholding the reason for her visit.

      "Great. I been knocking songs out. Had to leave early the other day cause that one," she pointed towards the door referring to Ameer, "decided he wanted to throw a baseball at another kid while he was at TUFF Training. His attitude been out of this world."

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