Chapter 2

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"Good morning, Mrs. Shin. I am Hwang Yeji, the daughter of Hwang Isabel, and I will be your daughter Ryujin's new maid. When will I start, ma'am?" Yeji asked Ryujin's mom cheerfully.

"Yeji, you are a very beautiful child. You have inherited your mother Isabel's kindness, but aren't you too young to work? You are 23 years old, almost the same age as my daughter. How are your studies?" Mrs. Shin spoke to Yeji with concern.

"Do not worry, Madam Shin; I stopped studying to provide for the needs of my family, especially my mother and my youngest sister, Lucy."

"You are a very nice child, but where is your father? He should be the one supporting the family, not you. I know you still have big dreams, Yeji."

"Unfortunately, Mrs. Shin, my father passed away a long time ago from heart disease when I was a child. Now I am looking for ways to support my mother."

"Aww, you are in the same situation as Ryujin, but she rebelled, which is why her behavior is like that. My husband died early from heart disease as well."

"Maybe that's why she behaves the way she does."

"Yes, Yeji, it is up to you to sympathize with her. She is 22 years old and has inherited her father's heart disease, so be cautious. You can start working right now. I hope you stay here a long time because not a day goes by without Ryujin doing something foolish. She is upstairs in her room; you can go look after her and talk to her."

"Okay, ma'am, I will do whatever I can to make Ryujin feel better."

Yeji went up to Ryujin's room with lunch.

"Hello, Ma'am Ryujin! Here's your delicious lunch," Yeji said cheerfully, surprising Ryujin.

"Wtf, who are you? Why did you come into my room?"

"I forgot to tell you, I am Hwang Yeji, your new maid. I am the daughter of Hwang Isabel, who became your maid yesterday. My mother was injured because of your foolishness!"

"Hey, Freak Light Fury! Can you follow in your mother's footsteps and resign? You irritate me too much. Your voice is extremely loud and noisy! And it's your mother's fault she was injured, not mine. She entered my room unexpectedly."

"Hey, you spoiled brat monkey! It is your fault because you are stupid. That happened to my mother. And please, my name is HWANG YEJI. Where did 'Light Fury' come from?" Yeji said angrily.

"What did you say about my name? Spoiled brat monkey? Oh, you're crazy! Besides, I don't care what your name is. You look like Light Fury, but it's cuter than you," Ryujin said arrogantly.

"It's okay, Ryujin; a monkey is cuter than you too," Yeji replied, laughing at Ryujin.

"Hey, damn Light Fury, can you leave? I am still playing here. I'm going to lose because of your chatter."

"I don't want to. I will not leave until you have eaten and taken your medication." Yeji grabbed the TV remote and threatened Ryujin. "Are you going to eat, or am I going to turn off the TV?"

Ryujin abruptly stood up and wrestled with Yeji for the remote. "That remote is mine, damn Light Fury!"

"No, this remote is mine, spoiled brat monkey!"

Suddenly, the two lost balance as a result of the struggle and fell onto the couch. Yeji was underneath, with Ryujin on top. They stared at each other, and Yeji blushed before Ryu quickly stood up.

"What is wrong with you, Yeji? Because you were so naughty, that happened to us. Maybe you did that just to score with me," Ryujin said, smirking.

"I am sorry, Ryujin, but you should eat your food. It's difficult to overcome hunger, especially because you're always on maintenance medication. And what are you saying about scoring? You are not my type, eww."

"Very nice, Mom! You say more than my mother does. But are you sure you don't like me? Why are you blushing?" Ryujin teased before starting to eat the food Yeji had prepared.

"Good, you will follow my orders, but keep in mind that I don't like you. Do you understand me, Ryujin?"

"OKAY OKAY FINE, CALM DOWN, MS. LIGHT FURY. Soon you will like me too," Ryujin said, winking at Yeji.

Ryujin finished her meal after a few minutes. "Oh, Light Fury, I'm done eating; could you please leave? Your face is so irritating."

"You are a good kid, so I will just put down the tray of food you ate later. In the evening, it will be time for your next meal and medication, so we will meet again."

Ryujin rolled her eyes, upset with Yeji and already planning her next move. "Get ready for me, Light Fury. I even lost the game because of you. You will be my next victim, just like the other maids! Hahaha 😈!"

Hello everyone! Did you enjoy Ryujin and Yeji's cat-dog fight? 👀

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