Chapter 11

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Ryujin stood proudly on the stage, diploma in hand, beaming with joy. She had just graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a milestone she had worked tirelessly to achieve. Her partner, Yeji, looked up at her with eyes filled with pride and love. As they walked off the stage together, Ryujin felt on top of the world, believing that everything was falling into place.

Madam Rei, Ryujin's mother, had always been a formidable presence in her life. A respected figure in the business world, she had high expectations for her daughter. Ryujin hoped that her mother had finally accepted her relationship with Yeji, especially after witnessing their happiness at the graduation.

To celebrate Ryujin's achievement and her entry into the family business, Madam Rei announced a grand event. It was to be an introduction of Ryujin to the elite business owners, signaling her official role in the SRJ Company. Invitations were sent to the Choi, Hwang, and Lee families, among others. The Hwang family, in particular, seemed to have an unusual interest in Yeji, as if they recognized her from somewhere.

The night of the event arrived, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. Ryujin mingled with the guests, feeling a mix of nerves and exhilaration. Yeji, though dressed as a maid, stood close by, offering her silent support.

As the evening progressed, Madam Rei took to the stage, commanding the room's attention. With a proud smile, she began her announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to introduce my daughter, Ryujin, the future of SRJ Company. And tonight, I have an even more joyous announcement."

Ryujin felt a wave of unease wash over her. Her mother continued, "Ryujin will be marrying Heejin, strengthening the bonds between our families and ensuring the future success of our business."

The room erupted in applause, but Ryujin's heart sank. She glanced at Yeji, whose face had turned pale. The pain in Yeji's eyes was unbearable. Before Ryujin could react, Yeji turned and hurried out of the hall, tears streaming down her face.

Desperate to explain, Ryujin pushed through the crowd, calling out for Yeji. She found her outside, sitting on the steps, sobbing quietly. Ryujin knelt beside her, taking her hands. "Yeji, please, I didn't know about this. I don't want to marry Heejin. I love you."

Yeji looked at her through teary eyes, her voice trembling. "But your mother... she will never accept us. She has already made up her mind."

Ryujin pulled Yeji into her arms, whispering fiercely, "I will not let her control my life. I will fight for us, no matter what it takes."

Ryujin stormed through the crowd, her anger boiling over. She found her mother near the stage, still basking in the congratulations from the guests. "How could you do this to me?" Ryujin demanded, her voice shaking with fury.

Madam Rei turned to her daughter with a steely gaze. "This is for your own good, Ryujin. You and Yeji do not belong together. This marriage will secure our family's future."

"But I don't love Heejin! I love Yeji!" Ryujin's voice broke. "How can you be so heartless?"

Madam Rei's expression remained cold. "Love is a luxury you cannot afford. Yeji is not suitable for you or our family. This is the best decision for everyone."

Ryujin felt a wave of despair wash over her. She turned and ran out of the ballroom, determined to find Yeji and make things right. She called out for Yeji, but there was no response. Panic began to set in as she searched the grounds.

Just then, one of the household staff approached her, looking troubled. "Miss Ryujin, there's something you need to know. Yeji... Yeji has been kidnapped."

Ryujin's anger was palpable as she confronted her mother, Madam Rei. "Did you have anything to do with Yeji's kidnapping?" she demanded, her voice trembling with fury and desperation.

Madam Rei's face remained impassive. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing, Ryujin? Everything I do is for your future."

"Then why would you tear apart the one thing that truly matters to me?" Ryujin's voice broke. "If anything happens to Yeji, I'll never forgive you."

Unable to find solace, Ryujin resolved to take matters into her own hands. She was about to leave the mansion to search for Yeji when a firm hand grasped her arm, stopping her in her tracks. It was Heejin.

"Let go of me, Heejin," Ryujin snapped, trying to pull away.

Heejin tightened her grip, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Why bother looking for that maid? She's not worth it, Ryujin. Stay with me, and we can build a powerful future together. Imagine the strength of our companies combined."

Ryujin looked at Heejin in disbelief, noticing the gleam of lust in her eyes. "You don't understand anything," she spat. "This isn't about business or power. It's about love."

Heejin leaned closer, her voice dripping with manipulation. "Forget Yeji. She's just a distraction. We could have everything we want, Ryujin."

Ryujin felt a surge of revulsion. "Everything you want, Heejin. Not me." With a final, forceful tug, she freed herself from Heejin's grasp and bolted out the door.

The night was cold and dark as Ryujin searched frantically for any clue that might lead her to Yeji. She combed through the city, checking every place she could think of, but there was no sign of her beloved.

Days turned into weeks, and Ryujin's hope began to wane. The weight of Yeji's absence was crushing, but Ryujin refused to give up. She knew in her heart that Yeji was out there somewhere, waiting for her.

One evening, as Ryujin sat in her room, staring at a picture of Yeji, her phone buzzed with a message. It was an anonymous tip with an address on the outskirts of the city. Desperation drove her to follow the lead.

The address led her to an abandoned warehouse. Inside, she found a group of men who looked startled by her arrival. "Where is she?" Ryujin demanded, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and dread.

One of the men sneered. "You must be Ryujin. Too bad, you're too late."

Fear gripped her heart. "What do you mean?"

"She's gone. Someone paid us well to keep her out of the way, but we don't know where she is now."

Ryujin's world seemed to collapse around her. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "Yeji... I'm so sorry."

Returning home, Ryujin confronted her mother once more. "If you had anything to do with this, I'll find out. And I will never forgive you."

Madam Rei's face softened for the first time. "Ryujin, I swear I had no part in her disappearance. I may have been harsh, but I wouldn't go that far."

Ryujin nodded, still wary but with a sliver of hope that her mother might be telling the truth. "I will find her, Mother. And when I do, I will make sure no one ever comes between us again."

Despite not finding Yeji, Ryujin's resolve only grew stronger. She dedicated herself to searching for her love, believing that one day they would be reunited. Her love for Yeji was unwavering, and no matter how long it took, she would never stop looking for her.

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