Chapter 26

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Two years later..

I woke up to the sound of my twin children, Yejin and Reiji, bouncing on the bed.

"Daddy, daddy, wake up!" Their giggles and shouts filled the room. My heart swelled with love as I opened my eyes to see their bright faces.

Yejin, my son, looked so much like Yeji but had inherited my playful and mischievous personality. Reiji, my daughter, was named in honor of my mother, Rei, and Yeji. She had a perfect blend of Yeji's and my features, and her gentle, affectionate nature mirrored Yeji's.

"Good morning, my little stars," I said, kissing their foreheads. "Time to get ready. We're going to visit someone very special today."

"Okay, daddy!" they replied, scrambling off the bed

The twins excitedly jumped off the bed, saying their cheerful goodbyes as they went to change with the help of their maids. I watched them for a moment, feeling a mix of happiness and bittersweet nostalgia. Today, we were visiting the cemetery .

After breakfast, I gathered the kids and we made our way to the cemetery. The drive was filled with the twins' laughter and questions about who the person was that we were visiting. We arrived at the cemetery, and I held Yejin's and Reiji's hands.

The family arrived at the cemetery, and I knelt in grave, lighting a candle.

"Thank you for everything. We miss you every day." We stood by the grave, and I felt a wave of emotion wash over me. I knelt down, placing flowers and candle on the grave.

"Daddy, can I hold the candle"

"No, Yejin, it's not safe. You might get hurt."Ryujin gently shook her head.

"Listen to daddy, Yejin,"Reiji said she chimed in with her sweet voice.

The twins played nearby, but Reiji's curiosity got the better of her.

The twins, sensing the importance of the moment, stood quietly by my side.

"Daddy, whose name is on the grave? Is she part of our family?" Reiji asked.

"She's your grandfather, my father. He passed away," I explained softly. "And next, we will visit your mommy's father, Ji-Hye."

"Daddy, can we say something to Grandpa?" Yejin asked.

"Of course, sweetheart," I replied, my voice choking with emotion.

"We love you, Grandpa," Reiji said softly. "We wish we could have met you," Yejin added.Yejin and Reiji stepped forward, their small hands still holding me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my children. Despite the pain and loss, we had built a life filled with love and hope.

We stayed at the cemetery for a while, sharing stories and memories of my father, letting the kids feel connected to the grandfather they never met. As we left, I felt a sense of peace, knowing that he would always be a part of us.

After spending a few hours at the cemetery, paying our respects, the twins started to get restless. They asked where we were going next and mentioned how much they missed their mommy, Yeji.

"Daddy, where are we going next? We miss mommy Yeji!"Yejin & Reiji said

"Finally, we can go home and see mommy. She's coming back from her business trip to the Philippines today," I said, and their eyes lit up with excitement.I knelt down to their level and smiled.

"But remember," I whispered conspiratorially, "I have a secret proposal planned for mommy. So don't tell her, okay?"

The twins nodded eagerly, their little faces full of excitement and determination to keep the secret. We piled back into the car, ready to reunite with Yeji and celebrate our love as a family once again.

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