Chapter 13

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For six months, Ryujin waited for Yeji to return. Despite the long days of waiting and searching for her beloved Yeji, she never made any contact, and Ryujin slowly started to forget her. She tried to move on with her life, until one day she received unexpected news from Heejin, a woman she didn't love. Heejin informed Ryujin that she was pregnant with her child, a consequence of a drunken mistake.

Heejin stood in front of the imposing gates of Ryujin's mansion, her heart pounding in her chest. Summoning all her courage, she rang the doorbell. After a few moments, a servant let her in and guided her to the living room, where Ryujin was waiting, looking perplexed and slightly nervous.

"Heejin, what brings you here?" Ryujin asked, trying to sound composed.

Taking a deep breath, Heejin began, "Ryujin, I have something important to tell you. I'm pregnant." She paused, watching Ryujin's face drain of color. "It happened that night... when we were both drunk. You have to take responsibility for our child."

Ryujin's mind raced, recalling the hazy memories of their intoxicated encounter. Panic set in as Heejin continued, "And not just that. You need to marry me, so our child can grow up with a father."

Confusion and fear gripped Ryujin's heart. Marry Heejin? They had no real bond beyond that one reckless night. And then there was Yeji. The thought of Yeji, the woman Ryujin had loved for so long and had been searching for, brought a fresh wave of despair. They had promised each other that one day they would have a happy family together. What if Yeji returned and found out Ryujin had started a family with someone else?

"Heejin," Ryujin began, struggling to find the right words, "this is... unexpected. I don't know how to feel right now. I don't love you, and my heart belongs to someone else. But I also can't abandon you or our child."

Heejin's eyes filled with tears. "I understand, Ryujin. But our child deserves a complete family. I need you to be there for us."

Madam Rei, Ryujin's mother, was overjoyed when she heard the news that she would soon have a grandchild. Her excitement was palpable as she envisioned the future with a new addition to the family. However, her enthusiasm was not mirrored by her child, Ryujin, whose face was clouded with sadness.

Rei noticed Ryujin's somber expression immediately. She knew that Ryujin's heart was still tangled up in thoughts of Yeji, the woman Ryujin loved but could not find. Despite months of searching, Yeji remained elusive, leaving Ryujin in a constant state of longing and uncertainty.

One evening, Rei sat down with Ryujin in the cozy study of their mansion. "Ryujin," she began gently, "I can see that you're not happy about this situation. But you have to let go of Yeji. It's been months, and you haven't found her. Maybe it's time to move on and focus on the family you can have with Heejin."

Ryujin sighed, looking down at their hands. "But, Mother, I don't love Heejin. My heart belongs to Yeji."

Rei placed a comforting hand on Ryujin's shoulder. "Sometimes, life doesn't go as we plan. You have a responsibility now, to Heejin and to your child. It's time to think about the future you can build with them."

Determined to secure a stable future for her grandchild, Rei decided to arrange a wedding for Ryujin and Heejin. She believed that in time, Ryujin would grow to care for Heejin and embrace the new family they were about to create.

Ryujin felt trapped but understood their mother's intentions. Despite the turmoil in their heart, Ryujin knew they couldn't oppose their mother's decision. The wedding plans moved forward, with Rei overseeing every detail, ensuring it would be a grand and joyous occasion.

As The upcoming wedding of Ryujin and Heejin, Ryujin couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss for the future they had once dreamed of with Yeji. But with each passing day, they also began to see glimpses of a different kind of future with Heejin and their unborn child.

Heejin demanded that Ryujin take responsibility for their unborn child and marry her. This news shocked Ryujin; she didn't know whether to feel happy or distressed. She now had a responsibility towards an innocent child. Beyond this new burden, Ryujin couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if Yeji ever returned. How would she face the woman she truly loved, knowing that she now had obligations to another?

Torn between her duty to Heejin and her lingering love for Yeji, Ryujin finds herself at a crossroads. Will he honor her responsibility to Heejin and their child, or will she still hold out hope for a future with Yeji? As Ryujin navigates this emotional turmoil, the future of all three lives hangs in the balance.

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