Chapter 24

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Today is the day Ryujin and I have been dreaming of, despite all the challenges we've faced. Our wedding is finally happening. We chose a private ceremony on Jeju Island, surrounded by the people who mean the most to us.

As I stand in the garden, the ocean breeze gently swaying my dress, I look around and see my family: my grandfather, Hwang, my mom, Isabelle, and my sister, Lucy. They smile at me, their presence a comforting reminder of the love and support that have brought me here.

Ryujin's family is here too: her mother, Mrs. Shin, who has been so kind to me, and her cousin, Shin Yuna, who has always been like a sister to her. My former colleagues, Chaeryoung and Lia, are here as well, both of them beaming with happiness. Also present are several influential business partners from SRJ Corp ., people who have been important in Ryujin's life and career.

The atmosphere is beautiful, yet tense. We have bodyguards and police surrounding us, vigilant against any potential threats from Heejin and Yeonjun. Despite the security measures, I try to focus on the joy of this moment.

Today is the day, and tradition dictates that Ryujin and I must stay apart until the ceremony. As I sit in my room, nerves and excitement swirl within me. Finally, I remember everything - my amnesia is gone, and soon, I will marry Ryujin.

A knock at the door breaks my thoughts. I open it to find Mrs. Shin Rei, Ryujin's mother, standing there. She smiles gently, and I can see a mix of emotions in her eyes.

"Mrs. Shin," I greet her, surprised by her visit.

"Yeji," she begins softly, "I wanted to speak with you before the ceremony. I owe you an apology."

Her words catch me off guard, and I nod for her to continue.

"I'm sorry for the way I initially treated you and Ryujin's relationship," she says, her voice filled with regret. "I was wrong to judge you based on your status. You have shown nothing but love and care for my daughter."

Tears well up in my eyes as I listen to her heartfelt apology.

"I trust you, Yeji, to take care of Ryujin," she continues. "I hope you two will build a happy family together. From now on, I promise not to judge people by their status. You are the perfectly matched for Ryujin, both as a maid and a wife."

Overwhelmed by her words, I start to cry. Mrs. Shin steps closer and embraces me, her hug warm and sincere.

"Please, don't call me Mrs. Shin or Madam anymore," she says, pulling back to look at me. "Call me Mom. You're about to become a part of our family."

"Thank you, Mom," I whisper, my voice choked with emotion.


We share a moment of understanding and reconciliation, a weight lifting from my shoulders. As we part, I feel a renewed sense of peace and readiness for the day ahead.

Tears brim in my eyes as I sit with my cousin, Yuna, in the small preparation room by the beach. We're having a quiet conversation, reminiscing about the past and the incredible journey that has led to this moment.

"I still can't believe it, Yuna," I say, my voice shaky with emotion. "I'm finally marrying Yeji. She was once my maid, and now, she's my soulmate."

Yuna smiles warmly, adjusting the necktie on my white tuxedo. "I know, Ryujin. It's like a dream come true. But remember, being a good spouse is more than just the love you feel today. It's about supporting each other every day and building a happy family together."

Her words resonate deeply with me, and I nod, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I promise, Yuna. I'll be the best partner to Yeji and a loving parent to our future family."

As we head towards the beach for the ceremony, my heart pounds with anticipation. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore creates a serene backdrop, and the soft breeze carries the scent of the ocean. It's the perfect setting for our special day.

Then, I see her. Yeji, the love of my life, in a stunning white wedding dress. She's walking down the aisle, escorted by her grandfather, Mr. Hwang, and her mother, Isabelle. My breath catches in my throat, and tears spill over as I take in the sight of her.

She looks like a vision, radiant and beautiful. Each step she takes brings her closer to me, and I feel my heart swell with overwhelming love and joy.

When she finally reaches me, I can't help myself. I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips. The audience gasps and laughs, and the officiant shakes his head in mock exasperation. "Not yet, Ryujin," he says with a chuckle. "You may kiss the bride later."

Laughter fills the air, breaking the tension and adding a joyous touch to the moment. Yeji blushes, her eyes sparkling with happiness, and I can't help but smile through my tears.

The ceremony proceeds, and as we exchange our vows, my heart feels lighter than ever. "Yeji, you have been my rock, my inspiration, and my love. I promise to cherish and support you every day of our lives together."

She looks at me, her eyes filled with love. "Ryujin, you are my home, my heart, and my everything. I vow to stand by your side, through every joy and challenge, forever."

As the wedding ceremony begins, Yeji and I stand facing each other, exchanging vows and promises of eternal love. Her words are like music to my ears, filling me with warmth and joy.

But just as we are about to be pronounced married, the officiant asks if there are any objections. My heart pounds in anticipation, hoping for silence.

Suddenly, a voice rings out, cutting through the air like a knife. "Stop the wedding!"


Stay tuned for the upcoming Ending of My Perfectly Maid. If you have any suggestions for my next story, don't hesitate to message me here on my Wattpad profile. I'll also be creating an Instagram account if you'd like to send a direct message there. Thank you for your support.❤️

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