Chapter 18 🔞

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"I have to find out what they're up to."

Surreptitiously, I followed Yeonjun, my heart pounding with apprehension. I had overheard a cryptic conversation between Heejin and Yeonjun, and now, disguised as a random diner, I eavesdropped on their discussion.

As Yeonjun and Heejin conversed, my anxiety peaked with every revelation. Heejin's words hinted at something ominous, and my mind raced to comprehend the gravity of their discussion. One particular statement from Heejin left me shaken, unable to recall a crucial detail because of my amnesia.

"What are they planning? And why does it involve me and Ryujin?"

Determined to uncover the truth and feeling the weight of the secret she now carried, Yeji sought out someone she could trust. She needed guidance on how to navigate the tangled web of secrets woven by Heejin and Yeonjun.

With resolve in her heart and determination in her steps, Yeji embarked on a quest to confide in the one person who could help her unravel the mysteries lurking in the shadows of her life.

I'm heading to see the person who can help me, Shin Ryujin, to tell her what I've learned from Heejin and Yeonjun. I searched the city of Korea, scouring the entire city until I found where Ryujin works, at SRJ Company. Finally, after hours of searching, I arrived at SRJ Company.

"Hi, Ms. Good morning, may I speak with Shin Ryujin?" I asked the receptionist.

"Good morning, ma'am! How are you related to Ms. Ryujin? We usually don't allow visitors without prior appointments due to company policy."

"I'm a special friend of Ryujin's, please let her know I have something important to tell her."

"Okay, ma'am. Let me inform her secretary before letting you in."

"Oh, thank you."

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but Ms. Shin just left her office. She's not here anymore."

"Oh, I see. Thank you anyway." I felt disappointed hearing that Ryujin had already left her office. I lost hope of seeing her.

As I stepped out of the building, I was met with an unexpected downpour. The rain was coming down in sheets, drenching everything in its path. I hesitated under the awning, debating whether to make a run for it or wait it out.

"Bad luck, it's raining heavily, and I forgot to bring an umbrella. I'm almost soaked. Why does it have to rain when I don't have an umbrella? Lord, are you angry with me? Why rain when I don't have an umbrella, sigh," Yeji muttered to herself while looking up at the clouds.

Suddenly, a black car stopped in front of me. I got scared, thinking it might be part of Yeonjun and Heejin's sinister plan against me.

"I think I need to run," I said to myself, trembling with fear. I ran as fast as I could, already drenched in rain. I could hear someone chasing after me, but the road was slippery, and I slipped. I had no choice but to close my eyes, thinking I'd be caught. Suddenly, someone held an umbrella over me, shielding me from the rain. When I opened my eyes, I saw the person I was looking for.

"Yeji, are you okay? Why are you running, and why are you letting yourself get soaked? You might get sick, an--" Ryujin said to me with a deep voice filled with concern. But before she could finish speaking, I hugged her tightly. In her embrace, I felt comfortable, safe, and secure.

"Ryujin, you're here. I have something important to tell you."

"I'm ready to listen to anything you have to say, Yeji. But for now, we need to get out of this rain. Come on, let's talk in the office."

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