Chapter 5

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"Knock...... knock ........knock........"
A sound of a door coming from Ryujin's room

"WHAT?!" Ryujin opened the door and saw in front of him the face of a woman with bunny teeth

"Oh Hi Good morning Ma'am Ryujin! This is your breakfast and medicine. Can I put it on your table?" The bunny girl smiled and placed the food she prepared on the small table inside Ryujin's room

"Do you need anything else Ma'am?"

"Nothing You can leave"

"Ok thank you..." The Bunny Teeth girl was interrupted when her boss, Ryujin, suddenly spoke

"Wait, who are you? It's like I saw you for the first time today."

"Oh I forgot to introduce you Ma'am I'm Im Na-yeon your new maid I'm the one Madam Shin replaced your maid Yej...Yi...Yey... what's her name I forgot about that girl"


"Yeji is the woman thief! Do you know Ma'am Yeji your maid, My gossip is that she got fired from her job and stole Madam Shin's jewelry. She is still a beautiful woman, too, but she is a thief."

"Yeji won't be able to do that even if she stays here for a few days. I know she's a good person."

"But, Ma'am, there is already proof that he did that thing. I can see her bags. They are full of Madam Shin's jewelry, and She's..."

"That's enough, Nayeon! You can leave. I don't need your gossip, and you know that's just your voice is too irritating for me."

"But Ma'am I'm just telling the truth..." There was a loud slam of the door before Nayeon could finish speaking. She received it from her boss.

"OMG! It's surprising that Ma'am Ryujin just closed the door on me why she's just angry, " Nayeon left the house and went downstairs to help the others. more maid.

"Ughh Fuck Why am I so angry? Why do I have to defend Yeji, I'm the one who's to blame for everything. That's why she got laid off from work because of my lies" Ryujin was talking to herself and she realized the sin she committed.

"I'm just going to play PS4 Maybe I'm feel bored right now . Where's the TV remote?" Ryujin looked at the thing she was looking for when she suddenly remembered something about it.

"Hey damn light fury, can you leave? I am still playing here. On my PS4, I am going to lose due to your chatter."

"I do not want it." I will not leave until you have eaten and taken your medication." Yeji immediately grabbed the TV remote and threatened Ryujin. "Are you going to eat or am I going to turn off the TV?"

Ryujin abruptly stood up and wrestled with Yeji for the television remote. "That remote is mine, damn light fury!"

"No, this remote is mine, Spoiled brat monkey!!!"

"Suddenly, the two are off balance as a result of the fight over the remote, which caused them to fall onto the couch. Yeji is on the bottom and Ryujin is on top of their position. The two stared at each other, and Yeji was red because Ryu suddenly stood up in their position.

"Fuck No..Noo...Noo! Why do I always think about that girl Ughh Shin Ryujin You can't think about That girl Are you crazy maybe that's why I'm already crazy I was talking to myself ugh"

"Ringgg....Ringgg.....Ringgg ....Ring.."A loud ringing sound came from Ryujin's Cellphone

"Hello Who is this?!"

"Hii Guess who you're talking to"

"ARE YOU STUPID! You are the one who calls me and you have to guess who you are Ms. Whoever you are I don't have time to joke with you bye.."

"Wait....don't hang up the call! why you're always angry !fine I'll introduce myself, clue I'm just your favorite cousin What did you guess?"

Hi Everyone to all my readers, I'm sorry for waiting so long for my next update and thank you for waiting!❤️

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