Chapter 15

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As I stood there, everyone stared at me as if they had seen a ghost. Yet, none of their faces were familiar to me. The only person I recognized was Yeonjun, the man who had helped me. Even my own name was a fragment of a memory; I couldn't recall my parents, where I came from, or why I ended up in that place. The last clear memory I had was being dirty and injured on the road, with Yeonjun finding me. After that, everything went dark, and I must have fainted.

The expressions of shock on their faces were palpable. Heejin, Yeonjun's sister, was the first to break the silence. "What is your name?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Before I could answer, I noticed another person in the room, a woman named Ryujin. Her face had turned pale the moment she saw me, and she couldn't take her eyes off me. My heart pounded in my chest at the sight of her, a strange and powerful feeling of familiarity and connection that I couldn't explain.

"Yeji," I said quietly, my voice trembling. "My name is Yeji."

Heejin looked at me with a mix of emotions, while Ryujin seemed on the verge of saying something but held back. Heejin tried to mask her anxiety with a welcoming smile, but her eyes betrayed her true feelings. She was determined to hold onto Ryujin, no matter what. As for me, standing there with a heart pounding from the intense, inexplicable connection to Ryujin, I could sense the tension but couldn't grasp its full meaning. My past was a puzzle, and the pieces were scattered. All I knew was that I had a strange pull towards Ryujin, a feeling of familiarity that I couldn't understand.The atmosphere in the room was thick with unspoken questions and emotions, and I felt a strong urge to remember, to understand why I felt so connected to this place and these people.

But for now, all I could do was stand there, hoping that the pieces of my fragmented memory would come together and reveal the truth.

"Babe, excuse me for a moment, I just need to check on my family. Stay here, enjoy yourself, and feel at home." Yeonjun excused himself, saying he needed to talk to his family. He kissed me on the cheek, and I noticed Ryujin watching us, a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Heejin, Yeonjun's sister, also glanced at me before turning to Ryujin. She kissed her and said she would be back after talking to her brother.

As the Jeon family left for their usual spot to catch up, I found myself alone in the living room with Ryujin. She approached me, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Yeji, you're back. I thought you wouldn't return. Forgive me, I searched for you for so long but failed. Yeji, since you disappeared, have you been eating properly? Did anyone hurt you? Do you remember anyone or how you ended up in that place, why you were injured and had amnesia?". She seemed genuinely concerned, but because of my amnesia, I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't remember if we knew each other in the past or not.

"Yeji, is it true what Yeonjun told me? He said he encountered a woman who seemed lost and disoriented. You were dirty and injured, almost like you had amnesia. Is that what happened to you?"

"Ryujin, I... I don't know. I can't remember anything from that time. It's all a blur. I wish I could give you answers, but my memory is completely blank."yeji looked at her, her eyes filled with confusion and a hint of sadness.

"Do you remember anything about us? Did we have a past together? Were we... in love?"Ryujin's face showed a mix of concern and frustration.

"I don't know, Ryujin. I feel this strange connection to you, but I can't remember anything specific. It's like there's a wall in my mind blocking everything from before I met Yeonjun."Yeji shook her head slowly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I searched for you everywhere, Yeji. When you disappeared, it was like a part of me was missing. I need to know what happened, and I need to know if we had something special."Ryujin sighed deeply, trying to hold back her own tears.

"I'm so sorry, Ryujin. I wish I could remember. I want to understand too. Maybe, with time, my memories will come back. Until then, all I can do is trust this feeling I have that you are someone important to me."Yeji reached out and gently touched ryujin hand.

"We'll figure this out together, Yeji. No matter what, I'll be here for you. We'll uncover the truth, and I'll help you remember."Ryujin nodded, her grip tightening on her hand.

Yeji managed a small smile, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Thank you, Ryujin. That means more to me than you can imagine."

After a long conversation where I struggled to provide answers, Ryujin suddenly hugged me. She promised to take care of me and never let me get hurt again. Her words and actions were filled with such emotion and sincerity that it left me even more confused.We were so absorbed in the moment that we didn't notice Heejin arriving. She quickly pulled me away from Ryujin, accusing me of flirting with her. Yeonjun immediately stepped behind me, ready to protect me from Heejin.

"Heejin, stop. You have no right to be jealous. I was just asking Yeji some questions, and I was the one who hugged her first."Ryujin intervened, trying to calm Heejin down.

"You can't just hug her like that, Ryujin! She's-"Heejin's eyes flared with anger and hurt.

"Heejin, you need to understand. Yeji's been through a lot, and she's trying to remember her past. I'm just trying to help her."Ryujin cut her off, her voice firm but gentle.

"Yeji didn't do anything wrong, Heejin. She's struggling with her memory, and we're all just trying to support her."Yeonjun placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Fine, but remember, Ryujin, we're engaged. Don't forget that."Heejin looked between Ryujin and me, her anger slowly giving way to a mix of emotions. She took a deep breath and stepped back.

"I haven't forgotten, Heejin. But Yeji needs our help right now. We all need to work together."Ryujin nodded, her expression softening.

As Heejin reluctantly agreed, I felt a wave of gratitude towards Yeonjun and Ryujin. Despite the tension, their support gave me hope that I could uncover the truth about my past and find my place in this complicated situation.

I tried to recall why Ryujin was treating me this way, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember anything about her, not even her name or any memories we might have shared. The only thing I knew was that there was a deep, inexplicable connection between us that I couldn't ignore.

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