Chapter 17

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As Heejin was startled by Ryujin's sudden entrance into her room, she quickly hung up the phone with her conversation partner. She couldn't let Ryujin discover her secret, the truth behind the kidnapping of Ryujin's ex-girlfriend, Yeji, where Heejin played a crucial role. With a racing mind, Heejin devised a plan to divert Ryujin's suspicion and keep her hidden secret safe.


"Why did you let her escape!? Who were you really talking to on the phone, Heejin?" Ryujin wondered who Heejin was speaking to.

"What are you thinking, Ryujin? I was just talking to my maid; she let Summer escape. Summer, she's my dog. She ran away, and I had to go find her because of my maids' incompetence." Heejin pretended to be an innocent bystander and managed to convince Ryujin.

"Summer? Your dog? That's the best you can come up with? I know you're hiding something, Heejin. Tell me the truth." Ryujin approached Heejin, her suspicion evident. Heejin's heart raced as she wondered if she was the reason for Yeji's disappearance.

"What are you accusing me of again, Ryujin? Are you drunk? You always blame me for everything. I have a child with you, and you still treat me like this. Remember, we're getting married!"

"Why can't you answer my question? Why do your eyes look like they're hiding a secret? If we're getting married, we shouldn't be keeping secrets from each other!"

"I don't have any secrets, Ryujin!"

"But why--"

"Ah, my stomach... it's really hurting," Heejin winced in pretended pain.

"Oh no, are you okay? Is it the baby?"

"I-I think so... it must be something I ate."

"Here, let me help you. Lie down and try to relax. I'll get you some water." Despite not loving Heejin, Ryujin was worried about her because of their unborn child.

As Ryujin rushed to get water, Heejin inwardly smiled, knowing her plan was working.

"Here, drink this. I'm sorry, Heejin. I had a few drinks, so I might be imagining things. And I'm sorry for accusing you earlier. I've just been so stressed thinking about Yeji and what you said about her."

"It's okay, Ryujin. I understand. It's been a tough time for both of us."

Ryujin helped Heejin settle down, expressing genuine concern. Heejin breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Ryujin's apology and the opportunity to further deflect suspicion.

"Thank you, Ryujin. I appreciate your kindness."

As Ryujin continued to care for her, Heejin's relief grew, knowing that her plan to evade suspicion had succeeded once again.

After a heated argument between Ryujin and Heejin, Ryujin fell asleep, unaware of Heejin's scheming mind. Seizing the opportunity, Heejin plotted a devious plan to ensure Ryujin stayed away from Yeji for good. Knowing Yeji was about to reclaim Ryujin's affection, Heejin manipulated the situation, leveraging Yeji's amnesia to erase memories of her past with Ryujin.

Heejin, sitting next to Ryujin in her room, contemplated her next move with a sly smile playing on her lips.

"Ryujin may be with me now, but her heart still belongs to Yeji. I need to ensure they never reunite." Heejin to herself. She glanced at the sleeping Ryujin with determination. Heejin messaged her brother, Yeonjun.

Heejin: Hey, Yeonjun! Can we meet at a restaurant? I have something important to tell you.

Yeonjun: Sure, sis.

Before Yeonjun could read his sister's message, Yeji happened to glance at it out of curiosity. Intrigued, she decided to follow the two siblings secretly to the agreed restaurant.


The next day, Ryujin bid farewell to Heejin as she headed to work, while Heejin made her way to meet her brother at the designated restaurant.

"Hey, Ms. Can I ask where Ms. Jeon Heejin's reserved seat is?"

"Follow me, sir."

"Oh, hey brother, thank you for coming," Heejin hugged her brother, welcoming him warmly.

"Heejin, why did you call me? Is something wrong? What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Yeonjun wondered, surprised by her sister's request.

"Yeon, I don't want to hurt you with the news I'm about to share, but you need to know."

"What is it?"

"Do you know that Ryujin and Yeji have a past? That's why they looked at each other so affectionately and hugged during the dinner at our house. Yeji used to be Ryujin's maid; they fell in love, but her mother, Madam Rei, intervened and sought help from our aunt Hyun-joo to arrange a marriage between Ryujin and me. You're unaware because you were in a different country at the time."

"What?! Are you serious, Heejin? What will happen to Yeji and me? I don't want to leave Yeji; I love her. And what about you and Ryujin, what are you planning?" Yeonjun was shocked by Heejin's revelation.

"That's why I called you here, Yeon. I want you to be part of the plan. Are you in?"

"Ok, deal."

But little did the siblings know that someone was secretly listening to their conversation.


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