Chapter 14

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The dinner table is beautifully set at Heejin's family home. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, with soft music playing in the background. Heejin, her parents Eun Ae and Beom-seok, and Ryujin are seated, ready to begin their meal.

I walk into the dining room, trying to shake off the heavy feeling in my chest. Heejin's parents, Eun Ae and Beom-seok, are all smiles, clearly excited about the evening. Heejin looks radiant, her happiness infectious. But despite the warm welcome, I can't stop thinking about Yeji. I need to focus on the present, on Heejin and our future together.

" Ryujin, we are so happy to finally have you here with us. Heejin has told us so much about you." Eun Ae said to ryujin smiling warmly and welcoming ryujin to be part of her family as heejin husband.

"Yes, welcome to our home, Ryujin. We hope you feel like part of the family already."Beom-seok said to ryujin

" Thank you so much for having me. It's an honor to be here and to meet both of you."

" I'm so glad you could make it, Ryujin. My parents have been looking forward to this dinner for a while."

"I hope you like the dishes, Ryujin. I made some of Heejin's favorites, and she mentioned you enjoy similar food."Eun Ae said as she serving the food to the dinner table

" It smells wonderful, Mrs. Eun Ae. I'm sure everything will be delicious."

I try to focus on the meal, but the taste of the food barely registers. All I can think about is how different things could have been if Yeji were here with me instead.

"So, Ryujin, tell us a bit about yourself. How did you and Heejin meet?".Beom-seok said while pouring drinks

"We met through Aunt Hyun-joo. She introduced Heejin to me. We quickly realized we had a lot in common and started spending more time together. One thing led to another, and here we are," Ryujin said, glancing at Heejin before speaking to Heejin's parents. However, the truth is that it was actually an arranged marriage planned by Heejin's aunt and her mother, which went wrong because one night Heejin got pregnant. There was no other way to escape this problem, so I went through with it.

Heejin smiles at me, and I see the love in her eyes. I wish I could fully reciprocate that. But part of me is still trapped in the past, with Yeji.

"You really met because of my sister? It's a shame she can't be here; she has an important meeting in the US, so she couldn't make it. You two were truly destined for each other. It's good that Hyun-joo introduced you," Eun Ae said, delighted by the news she heard from Ryujin.

"We've been through so much together. I'm so happy our paths crossed."Heejin said while holding Ryujin's hand

" It's clear you two care deeply for each other. That's what matters most to us."

" To new beginnings and to welcoming Ryujin into our family. Cheers!"Beom-seok said and raising his glass


I clink glasses with everyone, trying to push away the memories of Yeji. Heejin deserves my full attention tonight.

"Ryujin, is everything okay?'Heejin said to ryujin noticing her hesitation.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry, Heejin."Heejin beams at me, and I squeeze her hand under the table. I know she loves me, and I want to make this work for her sake. But the thought of Yeji keeps creeping back into my mind.

"We heard you have some exciting news to share, Heejin."Eun Ae said as she changing the topic.

"Yes! We wanted to tell you in person. Ryujin and I are getting married, and "we're expecting a baby!

"That's wonderful news! Congratulations, my dear!"

"We're so happy for both of you. This is such a blessing."

Despite the smiles and congratulations, I feel a pang of guilt. I need to be present for Heejin, to commit fully to our future.

" Ryujin, you better take good care of our Heejin. She's our precious daughter."

"I promise I will, Mrs. Eun Ae. Heejin means the world to me."If only you were here, Yeji, I would proudly show you off to the whole world,Ryujin thought to herself.I know I need to let go of Yeji, but it's harder than I thought. Being here with Heejin's family makes me realize how deep I'm in. And I mean it. I will take care of Heejin. I just need to figure out how to let go of Yeji once and for all," Ryujin said to herself.

" That's all we need to hear."

The conversation continues warmly, with laughter and joy filling the room. As the dinner progresses, the bond between Ryujin and Heejin's family strengthens, laying the foundation for a harmonious future together.It's going to be a challenge, but for our baby, I'm willing to try.As the joyful dinner and lively conversations with Heejin's family continued, I couldn't help but smile while watching them. Her mother, Eun Ae, was animatedly sharing stories from Heejin's childhood, while her father, Beom-seo, was engrossed in laughter and agreement. The evening was filled with love and laughter, a truly happy occasion.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and everyone turned to look. "Who could be visiting at this hour?" I wondered to myself. Heejin stood up and opened the door. To my surprise, a tall and handsome man entered, carrying a suitcase. "Yeonjun!" Heejin shouted as she ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

We were all amazed and delighted. Yeonjun, Heejin's long-lost brother, had returned from abroad. He immediately hugged his mother, Eun Ae, who was almost in tears from joy. Beom-seo gave his son a strong pat on the back before they embraced.

After their reunion, Yeonjun approached me with a broad smile. "So, you're Ryujin," he said, extending his hand for a handshake. "Congratulations to both of you. I didn't know I missed such big news."

I was momentarily puzzled and looked at Heejin. Everyone laughed when they noticed my confusion. Yeonjun, sensing the moment, announced, "I have a surprise for all of you as well. The reason I returned to Korea so suddenly is that I met someone special last week, and I wanted to introduce her to the family."

Heejin and her parents looked at Yeonjun with curious eyes. "Tell us, Yeonjun, how did you meet her?" Eun Ae asked, excitement evident in her voice.

Yeonjun began his story. "On my way home, I encountered a woman who seemed lost and disoriented. She was dirty and injured, almost like she had amnesia. I couldn't just leave her there, so I helped her. As I got to know her, I realized how wonderful she is, and eventually, I fell in love with her."

Yeonjun glanced towards the door, his expression becoming tender. "She's waiting outside because she's too shy to come in on her own. I'll go get her."

Heejin's family exchanged curious glances while Yeonjun stepped out. A few moments later, he reentered with a hesitant woman by his side. When I saw her, my heart skipped a beat. It was as if I had seen a ghost. The woman standing next to Yeonjun was none other than Yeji, the woman I had loved deeply and thought I had lost forever.

I stared at her, unable to believe my eyes. "Yeji?" I managed to whisper, my voice trembling. She looked at me, her eyes widening in recognition and surprise. The room fell silent as everyone waited for what would happen next.

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