Chapter 3

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"La la la la la la," Yeji hummed as she went down the stairs, bringing her master's food to the kitchen.

When Yeji reached the kitchen, she was surprised to be greeted by the other maids, who were very approachable.

"Hey, are you Ryujin's new maid? I hope you'll stay a long time. Good luck! I'm Chaeryeong. I also work here, cooking and taking care of Mrs. Shin sometimes," Chaeryeong introduced herself.

"I'm Lia. My job is in the garden, watering the plants, cleaning the pool, and tidying the house. We've been here for almost two years. What's your name, by the way?"

"I'm Hwang Yeji. Hwang Isabel is my mom. She brought me here to take over her job. You've been here a long time; how is the work? Are you treated well? Is that why you've stayed so long?"

"Well, yes, especially Mrs. Shin is super kind, except for Ryujin. Hardly anyone lasts a day as her maid," Lia said to Yeji.

"Is that really Ryujin's attitude? I can't believe it, but earlier she obeyed my order to eat the food I gave her. She seems kind, but she's just stubborn," Yeji said to the two maids.

"Gosh, you're still defending her! At first, she seems kind, but after a while, you'll give up," Chaeryeong said to Yeji.

"I won't give up. My dreams are still high. I need to help my mom and continue my studies. No matter what nonsense Ryujin does to me."

"That's what I like about you, Yeji. Don't give up! I have a feeling you won't leave Ryujin like the other maids who resigned immediately," Lia said to Yeji.

"Yeji, we have some gossip for you. Do you know that your boss, Ryujin, is intersex? That's why she has a masculine figure and a handsome look. And her behavior is a bit cold-hearted because her father has been gone since she was young, and Mrs. Shin is always busy with work. But I know she's going to inherit their company because she's the only daughter. It's just sad for Ryujin," Chaeryeong shared with Yeji.

"Ahh, is that so? As long as I understand her, I can handle this. Ryu," Yeji replied, but she couldn't help thinking about whether it was true that Ryu was intersex.

"Chaeryeong, what are you saying to Yeji? She might overthink it. Come on, Yeji. Let's give you a tour of the house," Lia suggested.

While Yeji was busy talking to the two maids, Ryujin was also busy planning something bad for her.

Ryujin's POV

"Hi Light Fury, because you are my new maid, I have an appreciation gift for you. Please accept it...." But Yeji didn't know that my gift box was full of cockroaches, worms, centipedes, and spiders.

"Ohh, thank you, Ryujin. Why did you give me a present? Maybe the contents of this box are some kind of nonsense."

"Why would I do that to you when I only appreciate you? Is that bad? Come on, Yeji, open my gift."

Little by little, Yeji opened the gift box until she saw the insects and threw it away.

"Ahhhhh..... Shoo...shoo.. go away, you insects, please! Omg, I'm afraid of cockroaches and spiders, ahhh..." Yeji ran away from Ryujin, very annoyed with her.



"My second plan for Yeji is to change her alarm clock so that she wakes up early, even though it's not the right time. I slowly entered Yeji's room and set the alarm for 12:30 midnight so that she wakes up thinking it's dawn."

Yeji's POV

A few hours past 12:00 midnight.

"Ring...Ringgg...Ringgg." The alarm clock sounded.

"Yeji, what are you doing? What time did you wake up? I'm already late for school. Did you prepare my food and uniform?" Ryujin asked Yeji, who was still lying in bed.

"Hey, Ryujin, what's up? It's still morning, and you're forgetting that you did something stupid to me. Look, my whole body is full of insect bites."

"Blah...blah...blah... Look at the clock."

"OMG, 4:30 am! You're already late! I haven't prepared your food and uniform yet."

"Wake up, wake up! Hurry up, time is running, Ms. Light Fury! Bye!" Ryujin said to Yeji, who looked insulted.

I acted quickly and prepared Ryujin's breakfast. The noise of my cooking filled the kitchen until I was surprised when Chaeryeong and Lia suddenly arrived with self-defense equipment.

"Yeji???" Chaeryeong and Lia said at the same time.

"What are you doing at this hour? It's 1:00 a.m. Are you hungry, having a midnight snack? We thought you were a thief," Lia said to Yeji.

"Huh? 1 am? It's 4:30 am! Ryujin is already late, and I haven't prepared her food and uniform yet."

"Yeji, your boss tricked you again. It's 1:00 am. Go to sleep first," Chaeryeong said to Yeji.

"UGHH, SHIN RYUJIN, GO TO HELL!!!" I shouted, knowing Ryujin could hear it.

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