Chapter 10

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Madam Rei stood at the large window of her opulent mansion, her eyes narrowing as she watched her daughter, Ryujin, and their maid, Yeji, in the garden below. The two young women were sitting close, laughing softly, and their shared glances seemed too intimate for mere employer and employee. Concern etched into Madam Rei's face. This was not the future she envisioned for her daughter.

Determined to put an end to this budding relationship, Madam Rei picked up the phone and called her close friend and business partner, Madam Jeon.

"Hello, Hyun-joo? Yes, it's Rei. I need to discuss something important with you. Can you come over this afternoon? It's about Ryujin."

A few hours later, Madam Jeon arrived, her presence as imposing as ever. They settled in the grand sitting room, away from any prying ears.

"Rei, what's troubling you?" Madam Jeon asked, sensing the urgency in her friend's voice.

Madam Rei took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "I've noticed something troubling. Ryujin seems to be getting too close to our maid, Yeji. They are far too affectionate with each other, and I fear it's more than just friendship."

Madam Jeon's eyebrows arched in surprise. "You mean... they're romantically involved?"

Madam Rei nodded, her expression hardening. "I believe so. And I cannot allow my daughter to be involved with someone of a lower status. This could ruin her reputation and our family's standing."

Madam Jeon nodded thoughtfully. "What do you plan to do?"

"I need your help, Hyun-joo. Ryujin needs to marry someone suitable, someone from a reputable family who can elevate our social and business standing. I want to arrange a marriage for her, and I think your niece, Heejin, would be a perfect match."

Madam Jeon smiled, a calculated gleam in her eyes. "Heejin is a wonderful girl-beautiful, well-educated, and from a good family. This could be beneficial for both our families. I'll speak to her about it."

"Thank you, Hyun-joo. We need to act quickly before this situation with Yeji gets out of hand."

Later that evening, Madam Rei called Ryujin into her study. Ryujin entered, her face showing a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Mother, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Ryujin. Sit down," Madam Rei said, gesturing to a chair. Once Ryujin was seated, Madam Rei continued, "I've noticed your growing closeness with Yeji. This cannot continue."

Ryujin's heart pounded in her chest. "Mother, Yeji and I... we care for each other deeply. She makes me happy."

Madam Rei's expression softened momentarily, but her resolve remained firm. "Ryujin, love is important, but so is our family's reputation and your future. I have spoken to Madam Jeon, and we have agreed to arrange a marriage between you and her niece, Heejin."

Ryujin's eyes widened in shock. "An arranged marriage? Mother, I don't love Heejin. I love Yeji."

"Ryujin, this is not just about love. It's about your future and the stability of our family. You will marry Heejin. This is final," Madam Rei said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Feeling trapped and helpless, Ryujin stood up, her eyes blazing with defiance. "Mother, I can't do this. You can't force me to marry someone I don't love."

"Ryujin, you will do as I say," Madam Rei replied sternly. "This is for your own good. Now go to your room and think about what I've said."

That night, Ryujin tossed and turned in her bed, her mind racing. She couldn't imagine a life without Yeji, yet she felt powerless against her mother's will. She needed to talk to Yeji, to figure out a way to be together despite the obstacles.

The next morning, Ryujin found Yeji in the garden, her heart aching as she approached. "Yeji, we need to talk."

Yeji looked up, concern etched on her face. "What's wrong, Ryujin?"

"My mother... she's arranging a marriage for me with Heejin, Madam Lee's niece," Ryujin said, her voice trembling.

Yeji's eyes filled with tears. "But what about us?"

Ryujin took Yeji's hands in hers, desperation in her eyes. "I don't know, Yeji. But I can't let this happen. I love you, and I'm willing to fight for us. We need to find a way to be together, no matter what."

Yeji nodded, determination mixing with her fear. "I'm with you, Ryujin. We'll find a way."

As days passed, Ryujin and Yeji started to secretly plan their future together. Ryujin knew she had to confront her mother eventually, but for now, they needed to solidify their bond and prepare for any challenges ahead.

One evening, Ryujin decided to confront her mother again, hoping to make her understand the depth of her feelings for Yeji. "Mother, I need to talk to you," she said, her voice firm.

Madam Rei looked up, her expression unreadable. "What is it, Ryujin?"

"I cannot marry Heejin. I love Yeji, and that's not going to change. Please, try to understand," Ryujin pleaded, her eyes searching her mother's for any sign of empathy.

Madam Rei sighed deeply, her stern facade wavering slightly. "Ryujin, you're my only daughter. I only want what's best for you. Can't you see that?"

"Mother, what's best for me is to be with someone I love, someone who makes me happy. Yeji does that. Please, give her a chance. Give us a chance," Ryujin implored, her voice breaking.

Madam Rei was silent for a long moment, her eyes softening as she looked at her daughter. "Ryujin, love is a powerful thing. If you truly believe that Yeji is the one for you, I will not stand in your way. But understand this-your decision will come with challenges, and you must be prepared to face them."

Tears of relief streamed down Ryujin's face as she embraced her mother. "Thank you, Mother. Thank you for understanding."

Madam Rei hugged her daughter tightly, a small smile forming on her lips. "I just want you to be happy, Ryujin. That's all I've ever wanted."

As Ryujin and Yeji stood together in the garden, the future seemed brighter and more hopeful. They knew there would be obstacles, but with love as their guide and the support of those who mattered most, they were ready to face whatever came their way. Together.

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