Chapter 23

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As I look at the ring Ryujin gave me, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy. Finally, after all the trials we've faced in our lives, I'm going to marry the person I love. I can't wait to be called Shin Yeji.

Today, Ryujin and I are here on Jeju Island, preparing for our private wedding. As we work on the plans, we start reminiscing about our past.

"Remember the time we first met?" Ryujin asks with a smile.

"Not really. Tell me about it again."
shake my head slightly, still foggy on the details due to my amnesia.

"You were my maid before, and I was really annoyed with you. I used to prank all my maids to make them leave quickly. You were one of those who experienced that, and I bullied you too.You Call me Spoiled brat Monkey and I called you Light fury."Ryujin laughs softly, her eyes sparkling.

"I must have been so mad."I chuckle, imagining the scene.

"You were," she says, grinning. "But then I apologized, and I realized all mistake and Later on I I love with you. That's how it all started."

I reach out and take her hand, feeling a rush of warmth. "I'm glad you did. It's like rediscovering our love story all over again."

She leans in and kisses me softly, and I kiss her back. "I love you, Yeji."

"I love you too, Ryujin."

Later, we decide to take a break and head to the beach. We splash around in the water, soaking each other and laughing like there's no one else around.

"Yeji, watch out!" Ryujin yells playfully, splashing more water my way.

"You're going to get it now!"I laugh and retaliate, splashing her back.

We end up drenched and breathless from laughter, collapsing on the sand in a fit of giggles.

"This is perfect," I say, looking up at the sky. "I wouldn't trade this moment for anything."

"Neither would I. Here's to our future, Shin Yeji."Ryujin turns to me, her face softening with love.

"Here's to us."I smile, my heart full.

In the midst of the joyous activities Ryujin and I were enjoying, I suddenly received a message from Yeonjun. He wanted to meet me to apologize and congratulate me on my upcoming wedding with Ryujin.

"Ryujin, look at this," I said, showing her the message.

"No, Yeji. I don't think that's a good idea. It could be one of his sister Heejin's schemes to separate us."
Ryujin's face immediately darkened.

"Ryujin, this might be my chance to finally make Yeonjun understand that he needs to stop his attempts to break us apart. I need to end things properly with him."I sighed, feeling torn.

"I just don't want anything to ruin what we have."Ryujin's expression softened, but she still looked wary.

"I know, and I promise I won't let anything come between us," I assured her. "But I need to do this. I need to tell him face-to-face that my heart belongs to you now and forever."

"Okay, but I'm coming with you. I want to be there to support you and to make sure nothing goes wrong."
After a long pause, Ryujin finally nodded.

"Thank you, Ryujin. I appreciate it."I smiled, feeling relieved.

Ryujin and I were on our way to meet Yeonjun at the agreed location, outside his condo. As we parked the car, I turned to Ryujin.

"Stay here for now. I'll talk to Yeonjun alone," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

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