Chapter 21

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Mr. Hwang's heart raced as he processed Ryujin's words. "Isabelle Hwang? Could it be..." His eyes widened with a mix of surprise and dawning realization.

Ryujin noticed the shift in Mr. Hwang's demeanor and spoke more softly, "Yes, Mrs. Isabelle Hwang. She was once close to your family, wasn't she?"

Mr. Hwang's mind drifted back to memories long buried. Isabelle had been more than just a maid; she had been the love of his son's life. His son, Hwang Ji-hye, had fallen deeply in love with Isabelle despite their different social standings. Their love had been pure and intense, leading them to defy Mr. Hwang's stern disapproval. The old man had been furious at their union, driven by pride and rigid traditions. In a fit of rage, he had disowned his son and banished him and Isabelle from the family home.

Years passed, and Mr. Hwang had heard nothing of his son and Isabelle. The bitterness and anger had slowly been replaced by a gnawing regret and longing for reconciliation. Now, with this unexpected revelation, it seemed fate had given him a second chance.

"Ryujin," Mr. Hwang's voice trembled slightly, "tell me more about Yeji. How did she come into your care?"

Ryujin took a deep breath, her gaze steady and filled with empathy. "After they left, Isabelle and Ji-hye struggled to build a life together. They faced many hardships but their love remained strong. Yeji was born a few years later, followed by her sister Lucy. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when Ji-hye fell seriously ill. Despite Isabelle's efforts, she couldn't save him. Isabelle was left to raise Yeji and Lucy on her own. She worked tirelessly to provide for her daughters, but her health deteriorated over time. She entrusted Yeji to me to become maid, hoping I could give her the life she deserved."

Mr. Hwang's heart ached with the weight of the story. The emotions he had long suppressed surged to the surface, mingling with a deep sense of sorrow and a glimmer of hope.

"I never knew... I never imagined..." he whispered, his voice breaking.

"It's not too late, Mr. Hwang. Yeji is a remarkable girl, full of the same spirit and kindness that Isabelle had. She deserves to know her family, to know where she comes from." Ryujin reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm.

"I want to meet her. I want to make things right. For Yeji and her sister lucy, for Ji-hye, and for Isabelle." Mr. Hwang nodded, determination replacing his earlier shock.

The path ahead would be challenging, filled with painful memories and difficult conversations, but Mr. Hwang felt a renewed sense of purpose. This was his chance to mend the broken pieces of his past and build a future where love and family could thrive once more.

The bond between the two business partners, Ryujin and Mr. Hwang, strengthened, and Ryujin expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Hwang for his assistance. Tears welled up in Mr. Hwang's eyes as he felt the weight of his advancing age. He wished he had someone like Mrs. Rei, who had someone to inherit her company.

Feeling a sense of urgency and longing to reconnect with his past, Mr. Hwang turned to Ryujin for help. He asked her to assist him in finding Isabelle and to inquire about what had happened in their lives since they parted ways. He needed to know if Yeji was truly his granddaughter, born to his son. With Ryujin's support, Mr. Hwang hoped to uncover the truth and perhaps find a way to reconcile with his estranged family.

Ryujin decided to take Yeji to their province to reunite her with her mother, Isabelle, and her sister, Lucy. Yeji felt a mixture of excitement and fear as she contemplated facing her parents and sister after all these years, especially with the barrier of her amnesia blocking her memories of their shared experiences.

Seeing Yeji's apprehension, Ryujin offered words of comfort and reassurance. She embraced Yeji tightly, offering a warm hug filled with empathy and support. Then, in a tender moment, Ryujin pressed a gentle kiss to Yeji's forehead, conveying her unwavering commitment to be by her side, to protect her, and to care for her always.

"I'm always here for you," Ryujin whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. "I will always protect and take care of you."

"Thank you, Ryujin, for always being there."

"You're welcome, Yeji. I love you."

With Ryujin's comforting presence and promise of support, Yeji felt a surge of courage and determination. Though the road ahead was uncertain, she knew that she wasn't alone. Together, they embarked on the journey to the province, where Yeji hoped to unlock the secrets of her past and find solace in the embrace of her family once more.

Finally, after a long journey, Ryujin and Yeji arrived safely at Yeji's home. However, their arrival didn't go unnoticed by Isabelle, who quickly noticed the approaching vehicle. Sensing danger, she immediately hid her daughter Lucy, fearing that the car belonged to someone they were trying to avoid, the ones who always seemed to be lurking around their home.

Knock... knock... knock.

"Mom... Lucy, it's Yeji. Are you there?"

"Mrs. Isabelle, your daughter is here."

As Ryujin and Yeji approached the house, they knocked several times on the door. However, due to Isabelle and Lucy's fear of the unknown vehicle, they refused to open it, believing that it might be a stranger at their doorstep. Little did they know that the person they were so afraid of was actually their long-lost daughter and sister, Yeji, whom they had been anxiously waiting for.

Inside the house, Isabelle and Lucy remained on edge, uncertain of what to do next. Meanwhile, Ryujin and Yeji stood outside, their hearts heavy with disappointment and confusion. Despite their longing for a reunion, they found themselves faced with unexpected obstacles, unsure of how to bridge the gap between them and Yeji's family.

Ryujin, sensing the tension, decided to take a different approach. She took out her phone and called Isabelle, hoping the sound of her voice would ease their fears.

"Mrs. Isabelle, it's Ryujin. Please, open the door. Yeji is here with me. She's come home."

There was a moment of silence, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. The door creaked open slightly, and Isabelle's cautious eyes peered through the gap. When she saw Ryujin and then her daughter, her expression shifted from fear to shock.

"Yeji?" Isabelle's voice trembled as she opened the door wider.

"Mom..." Yeji's voice broke as she stepped forward, tears streaming down her face.

Isabelle rushed out and enveloped her daughter in a tight embrace, her own tears flowing freely. Lucy, who had been hiding, emerged from the shadows and joined the emotional reunion, clinging to her sister as if afraid to let go.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. I missed you so much," Yeji sobbed, holding her mother and sister close.

"We missed you too, Yeji. We thought we'd lost you forever," Isabelle whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Ryujin stood back, watching the heartfelt reunion with tears in her own eyes. She had kept her promise to Yeji, bringing her back to her family and helping her find the missing pieces of her past. The road ahead would still be challenging, but they were together now, and that was all that mattered.

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the reunited family, Mr. Hwang arrived. Seeing the emotional scene before him, he felt a mixture of hope and apprehension. He knew he had a long way to go to make amends, but he was ready to start.

"Isabelle, Lucy, Yeji," he began, his voice trembling with emotion, "I'm here to make things right. I was wrong to drive you away. I want to be part of your lives again, if you'll let me."

Isabelle looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and hope. "It's been a long time, Mr. Hwang. We have a lot to talk about."

"Yes, we do," Mr. Hwang agreed, stepping forward. "But I promise you, I'll do whatever it takes to make up for the past."

With Ryujin's support and the family's willingness to forgive, Mr. Hwang took the first steps toward reconciliation. It wouldn't be easy, but together, they could heal the wounds of the past and build a future filled with love and understanding.

As they all sat down together, sharing stories and memories, the weight of the past began to lift. The journey ahead would be filled with challenges, but with each other's support, they knew they could overcome anything. And so, with hearts full of hope and determination, they looked forward to a brighter tomorrow, where family and love would always prevail.

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