Chapter 1

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"How many maids will I have to hire before one stays to take care of you? They all keep resigning, saying they don't want to take care of you anymore because of the foolish things you do," Ryujin's mom said, clearly disappointed in her daughter's behavior.

"Mom, please! Haven't I already told you that I don't want maids to take care of me anymore? Besides, I'm grown up; I don't need them," Ryujin replied, rolling her eyes and irritating her mother further.

"Ryu, even if you don't want to listen to me, you have a heart condition. What if you suddenly have an attack? I'm not always by your side, and I have to work. Please, daughter, listen to me. I'm just worried about you," her mother begged.

"Fine, Mom."

"Thank God! Starting tomorrow, Ryujin, you will have a new maid named Hwang Isabel. She is about 60 years old, so don't do anything foolish! Do we understand each other? Respect her and treat her like a second mother."

"Okay, Mom."

But deep inside, Ryujin was already plotting to get rid of the maid immediately.

The Next Day

"Isabel, this is my daughter Ryujin. Please take good care of her," Ryujin's mom said, smiling at Isabel.

"Yes, Ma'am. Your daughter looks so kind, unlike what I've heard about her being difficult to care for," Isabel responded.

"That's not true, is it, Ryujin? Ryujin is a good kid. Isabel, I know you will be in good hands looking after my daughter," Ryujin's mom said while patting Ryu's head.

"Mom, please! I'm not a child anymore. I'm 22 years old, and you only hire maids to watch over me in case something happens. Stop babying me!" Ryujin said, getting irritated.

"Alright, alright. I will leave Ryujin's medication in the kitchen. It's up to you two to get along first," her mother said before leaving for work.

"Okay, Ma'am, be careful," Isabel told Ryujin's mother.

Ryujin just waited for her mother to leave so she could carry out her evil plan that night. She prepared paint, rope, and marbles, setting a trap to embarrass and injure Isabel.

"Hey, Nanny Isabel, let's bond later. First, help the other maid clean the house. I'll call you tonight to give me my medicine. Is that okay?" Ryujin asked, pretending to be nice.

"Yes, Ma'am Ryu," Isabel said with a smile.

At 7:00 PM, Ryujin was ready to execute her plan.

"UGH AHH... HELP ME, NANNY ISABEL! MY HEART HURTS! HELP! HELP! HELP ME, PLEASE!" Ryujin screamed, pretending to be in distress.

"Ma'am Ryu?! WAIT FOR ME!" Isabel rushed into the room, worried about Ryujin. As she opened the door, paint poured on her, and she slipped on the marbles.

"Hahahahaha! What the hell, Nanny Isabel. You fell for my act, and look what happened to you! Hahahaha!" Ryujin laughed, thrilled with her successful prank.

"RYUJIN, WHAT DID YOU DO?! NANNY ISABEL, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Ryujin's mom exclaimed, shocked at what she saw upon returning from work.

"Ma'am, help me! My knee!" Isabel cried out, her body sore from the fall caused by Ryujin's prank.

Ryujin's mom helped Isabel to a nearby hospital to treat her injured leg.

"Nanny Isabel, I'm so sorry for what happened. It's my fault. I neglected Ryujin. I don't know why she does this to her maids. I'm begging you, Nanny Isabel, please give us one more chance. I will triple your salary. Just stay and take care of her," Ryujin's mom pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I didn't think your daughter's behavior was like this. I'm too old for this. I can't take care of her anymore. What if she has another plan? I will resign as soon as possible," Isabel replied.

"No, please, Nanny, give..."

"Sorry, Ma'am, but I really can't. However, I will introduce someone new to you to take my place. She is my daughter and about the same age as Ryujin. Maybe she can handle her better," Isabel interrupted.

Hey everyone, this is my very first story. I hope you support me even though I'm a beginner. There are many more chapters to look forward to, so enjoy!

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