Chapter 25

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"Stop the wedding!" A loud voice echoed through the venue, causing everyone to freeze. It was Heejin, storming in with fury etched on her face, halting our wedding. I had no idea how she managed to get here; we had hired so many police officers and bodyguards to prevent any disruption.

Following close behind her was her brother, Yeonjun, both wielding guns. Panic spread like wildfire, and our guests fled in terror, leaving only a few: my mom, Mrs. Shin, my grandfather, my mom, and Lucy.

Ryujin's grip on my hand tightened as Heejin and Yeonjun approached us, their intentions clear.

"Heejin, Yeonjun, what are you doing?" I demanded, my voice shaky but defiant. "Why are you here?"

"We paid off your so-called protection. The police and bodyguards are useless to you now." Heejin laughed maniacally, her eyes gleaming with malice.

A cold chill ran down my spine. How could this be happening? I glanced at Ryujin, who looked equally shocked and furious.

"Stop this madness," Ryujin pleaded, her voice cracking. "Let us be happy. This isn't right."

"No! Ryujin is mine! And it's her fault our child is dead!" Heejin's face twisted with rage. She pointed an accusing finger at Ryujin.

"And Yeji belongs to me. No one will come between us." Yeonjun stepped forward, his expression equally crazed.

As they advanced, Heejin grabbed Lucy, holding a knife to her throat. Fear surged through me as my family gasped in horror.

"Let her go, Heejin," I begged, my voice trembling. "Take me instead. Just don't hurt Lucy."

Heejin smirked and shoved Lucy aside, seizing me instead. Ryujin, desperate, lunged forward but was caught by Yeonjun, who held a gun to her head.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Mrs. Shin screamed, but her words fell on deaf ears.

My grandfather, Mr. Hwang, quickly assessed the situation and grabbed a nearby heavy object. With swift precision, he struck Yeonjun on the head, causing him to release Ryujin. She didn't hesitate, rushing to my side and pushing Heejin away from me.

Enraged, Heejin fired her gun. The bullet was aimed at Ryujin, but Mrs. Shin leaped in front of her daughter, taking the shot. Amid the chaos, I realized I had also been grazed by the bullet. Both Mrs. Shin and I collapsed, unconscious.

The venue fell into a tense silence, broken only by Ryujin's anguished cries as she knelt beside her mother and me. The remaining family members scrambled to help, while Heejin and Yeonjun, seeing their plans crumble, tried to flee.

Police sirens blared in the distance as reinforcements arrived, alerted by the fleeing guests. Heejin and Yeonjun's reign of terror was about to end. As medics rushed to our aid, Ryujin held my hand, whispering words of love and reassurance. Despite the chaos and the pain, we were surrounded by the unwavering support of our family, determined to protect us and see us through this ordeal.



Just as chaos seemed unbearable, real police arrived and quickly subdued Heejin and Yeonjun, taking them into custody. Amidst the flashing lights and commotion, I found myself in the back of an ambulance, clutching the hands of the two most important women in my life-my mother and Yeji.

"Stay with me. Don't fall asleep," I whispered desperately to Yeji and my mom, tears streaming down my face. Mrs. Shin, my mom, gave me a weak smile and murmured her final words of love and encouragement, urging me to be strong for the family.

"Fight, please fight," I pleaded, my voice breaking as I held Yeji's hand tighter. "You need to see our future."

The ambulance rushed us to the hospital, where doctors immediately took Mrs. Shin and Yeji into the emergency room. A nurse blocked my path as I tried to follow. "I'm sorry, Mam, but you need to wait outside."

Unable to stay still, I paced the waiting room, emotions churning inside me. Moments later, the Hwang family arrived. Mrs. Isabelle, Yeji's mom, embraced me tightly. "Stay strong, Ryujin. We will get through this."

"I have both good news and bad news," he began. "The good news is that we managed to save your mother, Rei. She's stable now." Hours felt like an eternity. Finally, a doctor emerged with a solemn expression.

"And the bad news?" I asked, dread filling my heart. Relief washed over me, but it was short-lived.

"The bullet wound Yeji sustained is severe. She's two months pregnant with twins," the doctor explained. My heart stopped. I had no idea Yeji was pregnant. "We need you to make a decision. We can save Yeji, but it might cost the lives of your twins. Or we can focus on saving the twins, but Yeji's condition will remain critical."

The weight of the world crashed down on me. How could I choose between my wife and our unborn children? I looked at the Hwang family, seeking guidance, but their faces were as stricken as mine.

"Ryujin, you have to make a choice," the doctor urged gently."

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