Chapter 12 🔞

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Every day that passed felt like a long, drawn-out month for Ryujin. Ever since Yeji, her beloved maid and secret girlfriend, had gone missing, Ryujin's world had turned upside down. Desperation gnawed at her, and her nights were filled with restless dreams of Yeji's laughter and the warmth of her embrace. Tonight, Ryujin found herself in the familiar setting of a dimly lit bar, a place she often visited with her cousin Yuna.

Ryujin sat at the bar, drowning her sorrows in a glass of whiskey, trying to numb the pain of Yeji's absence. The memories of their secret meetings, the stolen kisses, and the whispered promises were too vivid to ignore.

As the night wore on, a woman approached Ryujin and took a seat beside her. It was Heejin, the woman Ryujin's mother had been urging her to marry. Heejin had always harbored feelings for Ryujin, but Ryujin's heart belonged solely to Yeji.

"Hey, Ryujin," Heejin said softly, noticing the forlorn look in Ryujin's eyes. "Are you okay?"

Ryujin barely acknowledged her, lost in her drunken haze. She could hardly distinguish the faces around her, and in her intoxicated state, everyone seemed to blur together. Heejin saw this as an opportunity and decided to take advantage of Ryujin's vulnerable state.

Heejin helped Ryujin out of the bar and led her to a nearby hotel. Ryujin, disoriented and heavily intoxicated, stumbled along, barely aware of her surroundings. In her mind, the line between reality and memory blurred, and she began to believe that the person guiding her was Yeji.

Once inside the hotel room, Heejin gently laid Ryujin on the bed. Ryujin's vision swam, and she reached out, murmuring Yeji's name. Heejin, desperate for Ryujin's affection, didn't correct her. Instead, she let Ryujin's delusion continue, knowing it was the only way she could be close to the one she loved.

Heejin's touch lingered on Ryujin's shoulder, and there was a brief, tense silence between them. Ryujin felt an unfamiliar sensation stir within her as she looked into Heejin's eyes.

Without thinking, Ryujin leaned in and kissed Heejin. The kiss was tentative at first, but it quickly deepened as their mutual desire took over. Heejin responded eagerly, her hands sliding down Ryujin's back, pulling her closer.

They broke the kiss, both breathing heavily. Ryujin's mind raced, guilt and arousal battling for dominance. "Yeji, I-"

Heejin silenced her with another kiss, this one more urgent. "It's okay, Ryujin. We both need this."

Ryujin nodded, giving in to the desire that had been building between them for months. They moved to the bedroom, their clothes discarded hastily along the way. Once inside, they fell onto the bed, their bodies entwined.

Heejin's hands roamed Ryujin's body, exploring every inch of skin. Ryujin gasped as Heejin's lips followed the path of her hands, leaving a trail of kisses and nips. The sensation was intoxicating, making Ryujin's heart race.

Ryujin pulled Heejin closer, their bodies pressed together.

"Ahh..Ryujin Right there....Ahhh...ah yess "The feeling of skin against skin was electrifying, and they both moaned in pleasure.

"Ugh..Yeji mmhhh...Why did you leave me..mmh"Ryujin's hands found their way to Heejin's hips, guiding her as they moved together, their movements synchronizing perfectly.

"Ahhhh... ahh.. tha---that's not important ..anymore Ahhh... Ryujin what's important is that I'm with you now and we're making love ahhh"

"Mmhhh... Fuck..don't leave me again Yeji...I love you"

"Ahhh I--- I love you too..ahh...Ryujin I'm gonna cum lovee ... Ahh"

"Yeji.. I'm near too... Mmhh..ahh" so second later heejin pussy was being filled just the way she wanted she was very happy with the success of the plan she made with ryujin.

As their passion built, the room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking, a symphony of moans and gasps. They lost themselves in the moment, their previous worries and frustrations forgotten in the heat of their desire.

Hours later, they lay tangled in the sheets, their bodies spent but their minds still buzzing with the intensity of what had just happened. Ryujin looked over at Heejin, a mixture of guilt and satisfaction in his eyes.

That night, Ryujin, thinking she was with Yeji, ended up having sex with Heejin. In her drunken state, she couldn't tell the difference and believed she was with the woman she loved.

The next morning, Ryujin woke up with a pounding headache and a heavy heart. As she slowly regained her senses, she realized she wasn't alone. Turning her head, she saw Heejin lying beside her. Panic and confusion washed over her as the events of the previous night came flooding back.

"What... what happened?" Ryujin stammered, her voice hoarse.

Heejin looked at her with a mixture of guilt and longing. "You were drunk, Ryujin. I took care of you."Heejin looked at her with a mixture of guilt and longing. "You were drunk, Ryujin. We... we slept together."

Ryujin's heart sank as the reality of the situation hit her. She had thought she was with Yeji, but it had been Heejin all along. The betrayal she felt was overwhelming, not just toward Yeji but also toward herself.

Ryujin quickly dressed and left the hotel, her mind racing with regret and anger. She needed to find Yeji more than ever, to apologize and to make things right. She couldn't bear the thought of living without her.

Days turned into months as Ryujin intensified her search for Yeji, refusing to give up hope. She knew that finding Yeji was the only way to mend her broken heart and to atone for the mistakes she had made. Every lead, every clue was a step closer to the woman she loved.

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