Chapter 8 🔞

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Yeji's breath caught in her throat as she felt Ryujin's arms tighten around her waist. The unexpected vulnerability in Ryujin's voice sent a shiver down her spine. She had never seen this side of her boss before-a side that was tender and almost pleading.

"Miss Ryujin," Yeji whispered, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to regain her composure. "We shouldn't-"

"Please, just stay," Ryujin interrupted, her voice barely more than a whisper. Her grip on Yeji's waist softened, turning into a gentle caress. "Just for tonight. I need you here with me."

Yeji looked down at Ryujin, her heart aching at the sight of her normally stoic boss looking so lost and fragile. She could feel the warmth of Ryujin's body against her own, the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. It was intoxicating, and despite the rational part of her mind screaming at her to leave, she couldn't bring herself to move.

"Okay," Yeji murmured, her resolve crumbling. She gently brushed a strand of hair from Ryujin's face, her fingers lingering on her cheek. "I'll stay."

Ryujin sighed in relief, her eyes closing as she leaned into Yeji's touch. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude.

They lay there in silence for a while, the room enveloped in a peaceful stillness. Yeji could feel the tension in Ryujin's body slowly dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm. She found herself relaxing too, the weight of the day's worries melting away in the warmth of Ryujin's embrace.

"Yeji," Ryujin murmured after a while, her eyes opening to meet Yeji's gaze. "I've been so lonely. Ever since I took over the company, it's been nothing but work and responsibilities. I never realized how much I needed someone until now."

Yeji's heart ached at the vulnerability in Ryujin's words. She had always admired her boss's strength and determination, but she had never considered the toll it might take on her. "You're not alone, Ryujin," she said softly. "I'm here. I'll always be here for you."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Ryujin's lips. "Thank you, Yeji," she whispered, pulling her closer. "You have no idea how much that means to me."

They lay there together, wrapped in each other's arms, finding comfort in the shared warmth and the quiet connection that had formed between them. The boundaries that had once separated boss and maid were now blurred, replaced by a deeper understanding and a mutual need for companionship.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Yeji knew that their relationship would never be the same. They had crossed a line, and there was no going back. But as she lay there in Ryujin's arms, feeling the steady beat of her heart, she realized that maybe, just maybe, that was okay.

For the first time in a long while, Yeji felt at peace. She had found something unexpected in Ryujin-a connection that went beyond titles and roles. And as she drifted off to sleep, she knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together.

The morning light brought with it a new beginning, a chance to explore the uncharted territory of their relationship. And as they faced the day, hand in hand, they knew that they had found something special-something worth holding onto.




Yeji moved quietly through the dimly lit mansion, her soft footsteps barely making a sound on the plush carpet. It was late, and she was finishing up her duties for the night. As she passed the study, she noticed the door slightly ajar and a faint light spilling out.

Curiosity piqued, she peered inside. Ryujin, her boss, was sitting at the large mahogany desk, a nearly empty bottle of whiskey in front of her. Her usually sharp, authoritative eyes were glazed over, and a slight flush colored her cheeks.

"Miss Ryujin, are you alright?" Yeji asked softly, stepping into the room.

Ryujin looked up, her lips curling into a lazy smile. "Ah, Yeji. Just the person I wanted to see," she slurred, her voice husky. "Come here."

"Miss Ryujin, I just want to apologize for yesterday. I hope it won't happen again."

Yeji hesitated for a moment before walking over to the desk. She could smell the alcohol on Ryujin's breath, and her heart pounded in her chest. Ryujin was always so composed and intimidating, but now she seemed vulnerable, almost playful.

"Sit," Ryujin commanded, patting her lap. Yeji's eyes widened in surprise."Do you really not want it to happen again? I was drunk then, but now I know what's happening."

"Miss Ryujin, I don't think that's-"

"Sit," Ryujin repeated, more firmly this time. Yeji swallowed hard and, with a deep breath, perched herself delicately on Ryujin's lap. She could feel the warmth of Ryujin's body seeping through her thin uniform.

Ryujin's arms wrapped around Yeji's waist, pulling her closer. "You work so hard, Yeji. Always taking care of everything," she murmured, her lips dangerously close to Yeji's ear. "But who takes care of you?"

Yeji's breath hitched. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and the fluttering in her stomach. "I-I don't need anyone to take care of me," she stammered.

Ryujin chuckled, the sound vibrating through Yeji's body. "Everyone needs someone, Yeji." Her hands began to roam, sliding up Yeji's sides, causing her to shiver. "Let me take care of you tonight."

Before Yeji could protest, Ryujin's lips were on hers, soft and demanding. Yeji melted into the kiss, her body responding eagerly despite the little voice in her head telling her this was a bad idea. Ryujin's hands continued their exploration, slipping under Yeji's uniform, caressing her skin.

"Ahhh Miss Ryujin this is wron-"

"Mmmhh yeji"

The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the rustle of fabric. Yeji's hands found their way to Ryujin's hair, tangling in the silky strands as the kiss deepened. She could taste the whiskey on Ryujin's tongue, mixed with a sweetness that was entirely her own.

"Miss Ryujin,Ahhh " Yeji moaned as Ryujin's lips trailed down her neck, her teeth grazing the sensitive skin.

"Call me Ryujin," she whispered against Yeji's throat. "Just Ryujin Baby."

Yeji's head was spinning, a mix of desire and the sheer audacity of the situation. She'd never imagined her stern, aloof boss could be so... passionate. "Ryujin,Ahhh..Nnghh" she breathed, testing the name on her lips.

Ryujin growled in response, her hands slipping lower, lifting Yeji's skirt. "That's it, Yeji. Let go. Let me make you feel good."

And for that night, Yeji did. She let go of her reservations, her fears, and surrendered to the intoxicating mix of Ryujin's touch and the heady haze of desire. In the quiet, secluded study, beneath the watchful eyes of the full moon, they found a forbidden connection, a release that neither had realized they so desperately needed.

As the dawn approached, they lay tangled together, the lines between boss and maid blurred beyond recognition. For once, they were just two women, lost in the warmth of each other's embrace, finding solace in the unexpected.

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