Chapter 19

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After our heated session in Ryujin's office, we lay together on the couch, our bodies entwined, basking in the afterglow of our passion. The intensity of our connection had washed away months of doubt and confusion, leaving only a profound sense of love and fulfillment. I couldn't help but smile, seeing the same happiness reflected on Ryujin's face.

"Yeji, I've missed this so much," Ryujin whispered, her fingers gently tracing patterns on my arm.

"Me too," I replied, my heart swelling with emotion. "It feels like everything is falling into place."

But even in this moment of bliss, there was a lingering shadow of worry. The threat posed by Yeonjun and Heejin was very real, and we couldn't afford to let our guard down. Their determination to break us apart was relentless.

Ryujin seemed to read my thoughts. Her expression grew serious as she pulled me closer. "Yeji, we need to be careful. Yeonjun and Heejin won't give up easily. They'll try anything to separate us."

I nodded, feeling a knot of anxiety in my stomach. "I know. They've already done so much to try and ruin us. We have to stay one step ahead of them."

Ryujin's grip tightened around me, a protective instinct evident in her eyes. "We'll face them together. We can't let them win. Our love is stronger than their schemes."

I drew strength from her determination. "You're right. We've come too far to let them tear us apart now."

As we dressed and prepared to leave her office, we discussed our next steps. We needed to gather evidence of their plans and ensure that we had allies who would support us. Trusting the right people was crucial in this battle.As we left the office, hand in hand, I knew that our love would be our greatest weapon against the challenges ahead. No matter what Yeonjun and Heejin threw at us, we would stand strong, united by the bond that had been rekindled in the most unlikely of circumstances.

After our intense conversation and the steamy moment in Ryujin's office, reality came crashing back. We had to be cautious and strategic. The next step was crucial, and it required me to go back to the condo I shared with Yeonjun. We couldn't afford to let him or Heejin suspect our plans.

"I need to go back to Yeonjun's place," I told Ryujin as we stood by the door of her office. "If he notices anything unusual, it could ruin everything."

Ryujin's eyes filled with concern, but she nodded in understanding. "I know. Just be careful, Yeji. We can't afford to lose you again."

Before I turned to leave, Ryujin pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss. Her lips conveyed all the love and worry she felt. When we finally parted, she whispered, "Promise me you'll be safe. I can't lose you."

"I promise," I replied, my voice filled with determination. "I'll be back soon, and we'll put an end to this together."

With a final squeeze of her hand, I left Ryujin's office and made my way to Yeonjun's condo. The journey felt longer than usual, the weight of our plan heavy on my shoulders. But I was determined. For our sake, for our future, this had to work.

"Hey, Yeji. You're home."When I arrived, Yeonjun greeted me with his usual charm, unaware of the storm brewing.

"Yeah, I thought we could spend some time together. How about a drink?"I forced a smile, masking my true intentions.

"Sure, why not?"He raised an eyebrow but didn't suspect anything.

We settled in the living room, and I poured us both drinks, subtly making sure his was much stronger. As we drank, I kept the conversation light and casual, slowly loosening his guard. After a few more rounds, Yeonjun started to relax, the alcohol doing its job.

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