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Henry kisses me against my door as I struggle to find the key in my pocket. He grabs my thigh to lift it up while pushing himself against me. So, I give up on the key – because why the fuck should I care about that damn key right now when he feels so good - and I put my arms around his neck, just as he grabs the other thigh and lifts me up completely. Like fully lifts me up, and I'm honestly not surprised that he's capable of doing that, because he does have amazing arms, which of course I've noticed. I wrap my legs around his sinfully slim waist and relish in the sensation of being lifted and pushed against the door by a ridiculously hot guy, while he kisses me breathless. Now, I totally get why girls always want me to lift them up, because this feeling is everything. I grind against him, and his hands move to my ass, to squeeze it and pull me even closer.

"The door..." I moan and he groans in response. "I need to find my key..." somewhere in the back of my mind, the responsible side of me is still trying to gain some kind of control over my needy body.

"Or..." he says between kisses. "We can just do it here."

I laugh but then I realize he doesn't.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Kind of..." he says and kisses me again.

"That's not a good idea." I run my fingers through his hair as I try to explain it to him. "It's a bit too early in my political career to have a sexscandal." I kiss him once more, "even though it is really fucking tempting."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." He puts me down and pulls me close, kissing me as his hands gently slides down my body, caressing my sides. "I just can't keep my hands of you."

"What are you doing now?" I murmur, practically purring from the touch of his hands.

"Searching for the key..." he mumbles against my lips.

"Well, you won't find it there." I splutter as he slides his hand over the front of my pants.

"I'm just being thorough."

"Henry..." I moan and push my pelvis unconsciously out against his hand. He is so fucking distracting and my braincells seem to fall in and out of function.

"Yes, darling..." he grins against my lips.

"The key..."

"Mmm-hmm." He hums and I hate how easily he can disrupt my train of thought. I grind myself against his hand and wish for nothing more than to be inside. Close to a bed so he can put his entire weight in top of me and...I need to stop my brain working against my sanity.

"Find the key..." I try my best to sound demanding.

"That's what I'm trying to do." He smirks against my lips, and I let him kiss me again. His lips feels so good against mine.

"Fuck..." I mumble when he slides to his knees. "You are crazy..."

"I'm just looking for the key," he says, then looks around quickly before unzipping my pants. 

"Fucking asshole..." I swear at him without any real edge to it, as I grasp at his hair urging him to put his mouth on my dick over my underwear. I quickly look around if anyone can see us, but the hallway is thankfully empty. I push down my pants a bit more to give him room, when suddenly I hear the metallic sound of the key falling out of my pocket. Henry stops what he is doing and I' instantly miss his warm mouth.

"Found it." He grins like a proud child. "Here you go." He says and puts it in my palm.

"I hate you..." I pant while trying to get my breath back.

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