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"That was..." I pant as I look over at Henry, who is on his back starring at the ceiling. Exactly like last time. I bite my lip to stop myself from talking. I need to keep my fucking mouth shut. Last time I nearly caused a fight. I don't want to do that again, so I just turn onto my back and stare at the ceiling along with him. In complete silence.

Unexpectedly, I feel his hand search for mine in the space between us. I move my hand closer to his but lets him take the initiative. He intertwines our fingers, then turns to look at me. His eyes are a lighter brown now than they were before. Almost green. I'm completely enchanted by his stunning – and very changeable- eyes.

"That was perfect..." he says. Almost as if he finishes the sentence I had started to say. But that must be in my head. I'm fucking doing it again. I'm seeing signs of love or feelings or whatever the fuck it is, that I feel so strongly every time this fucker is near me, and I see it where there is none. I can't be doing that. I promised I wouldn't.

"Yes, it was." I say as I sit up, letting go of his hand before getting out of bed. "Unfortunately, I need another shower now. I can't go to the hospital like this with cum dripping out my..." I gasp and snap around to look at Henry. "We forgot a condom!" I shout.

"No, we didn't." He says as he sits up. I always use... oh fuck..." he stops in his track when I gesture to the thick liquid running down the back of my thigh. "I never forget it..." he mutters with his eyes wide.

"Well, we fucking did this time!"

"It's okay." Henry says while running his fingers through his hair repeatedly. "I got tested a week or so before we left the states."

"A week?" I drop down to my knees on the floor in a panic, grasping his hand as he sits on the edge of the bed. "Henry, that's like five guys you've fucked since. At least!" I'm so fucking scared right now, that I don't register anything. Always be safe! That's the one thing I've always promised myself to be when having sex, and now...

"Alex..." Henry says, but I'm on a rant, and can't stop.

"And that's not counting all the guys you probably have blown in back of cars or an alley or..."

"ALEX!" he shouts, and it startles me, so I shut up and look at him. "I've only been with three. And yes, I know you think that is still a lot, but with the two of them we wore condom, and the third... well the third you saw. We didn't have sex. Granted, I did have his dick in my mouth so it's not completely safe, but it's minimum risk..." he strokes my cheek. "And to be safe, we can go to a clinic and gets tested. Right now."

"Right... you're right..." I take a deep calming breath... "I'm sorry I called you a whore."

"You didn't, actually. You allured to it and probably thought it..." he says and I blush, "but you didn't call me that. So that shows some restraint."

"You are not mad?"

"Why would I be? You only spoke the truth."

"I'm sorry." I say again.

"You shouldn't be. I'm not. I'm not scared of my sexuality or the fact that I like sex. Yes, I have had multiple partners, but I'm always safe. – don't say it." He lifts his finger in front of me and I close my mouth again, swallowing the perfectly good, snarky remark that is now completely wasted. "This is the only time in my entire life I've forgotten a condom."

"Can I speak now?"

"Yes, you may speak."

"I don't judge you. It's actually kind of admirable that you don't hide who you are."

"Admirable..." Henry looks completely baffled.

"Yes. You are who you are, and you don't apologize for it. And why should you? Do I agree with your chosen lifestyle? No. Not really. But that's just because that is not for me. I like the safety in being with the same partner and you dread it. That doesn't make one of us better than the other in my opinion. It just makes us different. And I rather like that people get to be different. And let's face it, you probably have a lot more fun than me."

"You like comfort..." he says and my mind instantly lands on the poem... maybe it actually is about me...

"Yes. I like comfort."

He clears his throat and gets up from the bed. "We should go to a clinic."

"Right..." it is almost as if I can see the moment we shared – the tender and almost loving moment of understanding and acceptance just fly out the window. I sigh and get up from the floor. Why is he so terrible at communicating when he writes so beautifully?

"Relax, love..." he says and puts his hand on my jolting knee. "It isn't that bad."

"I'm just concerned... what if one of us have something...?"

"You mean if I have something." Henry says flatly.

"No, I actually mean one of us. I've had sex too, you know. it's not like I'm a fucking virgin you deflowered." I hiss at him and oddly enough that makes him smile. "What are you grinning about?"

"Your foul mouth." The smile even reaches his eyes. "You curse a lot more when you are frustrated."

"No, I don't." I turn my head away from him.

"yes, you do. "

"Fine let's say I fucking do, then what? Why is that something to smile about?" I twist in my seat to face him as I talk. I am very curious as to how he will explain that stupid grin on his stupid, pretty face.

"Because I love to shut you up, when you get like this."

"What the fuck are you talking..." I don't get any further than that, because Henry grabs my chin with his finger and his thumb and plants a hard, greedy kiss on me. Not being able to resist, I open my mouth and let him kiss me till I'm completely out of breath.

"See...?" he says then kisses my lips fast again before letting go of my chin. "You stopped talking."

"Fuck you..." I mumble breathlessly, then readjust my way of sitting because the damn idiot kissed me in public space and now I'm hard and hating his guts. Henry laughs when he sees it and I slap him on his thigh. "Shut up!"

"I'm sorry. It's funny. We are at a STD clinic, and you are horny."

"It's not funny." I grumble. He only thinks it funny because it isn't him.

"Kind of is..." He takes my hand in his. "Besides, it made you think about something else."

"You are an idiot." I say and tug at his collar to get him to kiss me again, because how can I not forgive him when he looks like that? His lips are on mine as soon as he is close enough, and this time it is a lot gentler and sweet.

"Alexander Claremont Diaz?" a nurse calls and Henry pulls away.

"Your turn, love." He kisses me swiftly and then I follow the nurse. Pretending that there aren't any butterflies in my stomach.

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