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"You should get some rest, darlin." My mom strokes my hair while I'm half lying up against her as we sit in June's hospital room. My dad is on a search for coffee.

"I don't think I can sleep..."

"Then just close your eyes for a moment. You look exhausted." She kisses the top of my head. "You're overworking yourself at that college."

"I'm fine..." I yawn loudly, proving her point.

A low tap on the door, causes both me and my mom to look up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you." Henry says while fiddling with his fingers. I've never seen him nervous like this before. It's cute. "I just wanted to hear if I could talk to you for a moment." He looks at me and I nod.

"Sure." I get up, go over to my sister and takes her hand. "I love you." I say to her and then follow Henry outside. I can feel my mom's eyes burning into the back of my neck with curiosity. "What's up?"

"We were talking about going to the flat, maybe get something to eat and then come back. Would that be, okay?"

"Of course." I shake my head and smile at him. "You don't have to ask me for permission, Henry."

"You should go with them." My mom suddenly says right behind me, and Henry instantly steps further away from me like we were caught doing something illegal. "Get some food, a change of clothes. Maybe even some rest. We'll stay here, watching over her. I'll call you if there's a change. Go with..." she looks over Henry waiting for him to provide his name.

"Henry, mam. Henry Fox." He says and offers his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Henry." She turns to me. "Go with Henry, darlin."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure. When have I ever not been sure?" My mom puts her hand on her hips while starring me down.

"Oh," Henry mumbles as Nora and Bea joins them, "now I see the resemblance."

Me and my mom impale him with a glare at the exact same time and Henry raises his eyebrows like he just proved a point.

Nora gives my mom a hug long enough for her to let Henry off the hook.

"I'll try to convince the staff to allow you in the room." She whispers as she hugs Nora and Nora sobs a silent thank you. Bea is instantly by her side. "You kids go and rest up. And I'll see you later."

"Call me If anything happens."

"I will, darlin. I will."

Henry starts guiding me towards the exit while I'm still trying to send my mother a very serious look.

"Don't think you're off the hook." I say over my shoulder as he gently pushes me towards the door.

"Of course not, love. Wouldn't dream of it." He smiles at me. The confident Henry is back. "You most definitely don't resemble your mother at all." He grins at me, and it is so contagious than I can't resist laughing along with him.

"Yeah, I guess there could be worse people to be compared to."

"Welcome to our humble home away from home" Bea says as she opens the door to the apartment, and humble is not the word I would use to describe it.

"Oh wow..." I look around with my mouth open. The apartment is huge!

"God, I hate this place." Henry groans as he enters.

"Why?" I ask. "it's so beautiful."

"And pretentious. Exaggerated. Wasteful. And too fucking much." Henry scoffs and practically stomps into the kitchen like a dissatisfied teenager.

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