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Nora seems to handle Bea's secret fairly well, given the way she found out, but I know her, and I know it's nagging her. Not just that Bea didn't tell her, but also that she didn't see something was hidden. Nora hates not being able to figure things out before everyone else.

"So, you knew?" she asks me as we sit on the balcony in Henry's apartment.

After Bea and Nora talked in their room, they packed, and we all went to Henry's apartment since it's bigger and provides better privacy.

"He told me." When I see the sign of her badly hidden jealousy I quickly elaborate. "Like last night. And only because he found out I read his books and..."

"Wait," Nora holds up her drink free hand to stop my talking. "What book?"

Oh shit...

"Uhm... his books... the books he has published."

"Your boy is a writer? How did I not know?"

"I didn't either."

"Clearly you did." Nora is starting to seem annoyed. I can tell by the way she downs her drink and instantly pours another one. A very big one.

"Alright, I've known a few days, but it wasn't exactly my secret to tell." When Nora only grunts in response while trying to finish another glass of whiskey, I take her hand, forcing her to acknowledge my presence. "It wasn't Bea's either. You can't be mad at her."

"I'm not." Nora says around the rim of the glass.

"Clearly not." I roll my eyes overdramatically at her.

"Fine, maybe a little. But come on... those are huge things... the royalty thing especially." Nora empties the glass again and reach for the bottle, but I snag it and leaves it out of reach for her. "Hey!"

"I think you need to slow down. Just a little." Nora glares at me but puts her glass down. "By the way.... Why weren't you this invested when we dated?"

"Because we weren't actually in love... we were just trying each other on..."

"Right. Of course... that makes sense..."

"Come on, Alejandro... you didn't love me."

"I do love you."

"I know. I love you too... but I mean love you, love you. Like you love that posh brit in there."

"Hey! Be kind."

"I rest my case." She gestures towards her glass pleadingly and I pour half an inch of whisky into it. "Thank you."

"How long do you think they are going to talk for?" I ask while twisting around in my chair hoping to just get a tiny glimpse of that blond beauty.

"With the way Bea is completely falling apart...? All night..."

"Damn... I miss him..."

"Oh lord..." Nora shakes her head. "You really have it bad, huh? He's right in there." She gestures towards the door with the drink, spilling it over the ground. "whoops..." She looks down then shrugs and decides to leave it.

"I know... but it's so far away..." I whine.

"Damn, you are even worse than me..."

"At least I'm not drunk!" I say while pointing at her and then nearly falling out of my chair, realizing I might be drunker than I thought.

"Right. Completely sober." She laughs so hard that she gets tears in her eyes.

"What are you two laughing about?" Henry is standing in the doorway, watching us. We both turn around simultaneously and when we look back at each other, we both just start laughing. For no apparent reason. "You are drunk, aren't you?" Henry sighs, steps over the puddle of whisky on the floor and lifts me out of the chair.

"Hey..." I complain. "Nora is way drunker than me."

"Well, she is not my responsibility." He turns to Nora. "Bea is sleeping in the guestroom. If you are able to walk there yourself, it's in that direction. I sat an alarm for 7.30 so we can go to the airstrip."

"Right... thanks." Nora says and puts down the glass.

"Do you need help?" he asks as the English gentleman he is, and I giggle. "What now?" he sighs.

"You are just the sweetest..." I nuzzle into his neck and dangle my legs that hangs over the side of his arm.

"I can walk by myself, thank you very much." Nora says and gets up on wobbly legs. "I have no intention of looking like that." She points to me, and I frown.

"That's not nice." I stick out my tongue and so does she.

"Children!" Henry interrupts and I smile innocently at him. "Time for bed."

"I'm going, I'm going." Nora says and makes her way to the guest room. My knight and shining armor watch her until she is inside, before carrying me to bed.

"I love you..." I say as he puts me on the bed.

"You're drunk."

"I still love you."

He sighs and kisses the tip of my nose.

"I love you too, now please sleep. We'll have a long day tomorrow."

"So, is this the private plane you joined the mile high club on?" I ask and Bea instantly covers her ears. We are walking between the seats on the plane and I try to turn and look at Henry while speaking.

"Shush!" Henry sends Nora and Bea an apologetic look. "And no. I haven't been on this one before."

"So... who's plane was it then?"

"Still not telling, love. NDA, remember."

"That doesn't count when it's your boyfriend." I say as Henry guides me to my seat.

"I'm afraid it does."

"What if I guess?" I give him my most innocent smile.

"Please don't..." Henry pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly regretting bringing me.

"Sooo, Harry styles? Elton john?"

"Really? Those are you top two picks?"

"What? Harry looks great and Elton is iconic."

"I need a drink." Henry mutters and I kiss his cheek.

"Sorry, baby..." I smile at him. "I might still be drunk..."

"I think there's a fair chance you are, since its only 3 hours since you had your drunken night."

"So... am I forgiven for being annoying?"

"Somehow, you always are..."

I nuzzle into his side, and he puts his arm around me. I don't even feel the plane take off before I fall asleep.

Red, White and Royally fuckedWhere stories live. Discover now