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Henry's hands on my body will always feel good. Cold or not. I attach my lips to his throat as he works me open while simultaneously jerking me off. One day, I think I might have to send a thank you note to his previous lovers. They really have made him an expert with both his hands, tongue, mouth and dick.

He growls at me when I suck hard at his skin, but I don't stop. He is mine now, and I'm gonna mark him as such. In case some fuckboy gets an idea about my man.

"That hurt, you little shit," he bites my earlobe in revenge, and I don't know if I should tell him that I actually like it when he bites. Or is rough in any way. Maybe he will think I'm weird?

"It was supposed to hurt." I lick the pink bruise, "otherwise it won't show."

"You left a hickey on me?" He stops fingering me for a moment as he turns his head to watch my work in the mirror. "You really are a brat, aren't you?"

"Yes." I grab his chin and turns his face towards me. And I'm not exactly being gentle. I can see the surprise in his eyes. "I want every other man we meet to know you are taken." I kiss him hard, and he moans into my mouth. "Is that so wrong?"

"No. Definitely not." He looks it over in the mirror again. "Let me repay the favor." And before I can answer, he sucks at my collarbone and graces his teeth against it.

"Oh fuck..." I dig my fingers into his scalp. "Touch me again, baby..." and he does. He jerks me off from the inside and out, and leaves hickeys all over my shoulder, chest and neck. I come in an ecstasy of pleasure and pain.

While I come down from my high, Henry is cleaning the both of us off. He looks me directly in the eyes, grace my lip with his thumb, then he asks, "do you have a pain kink, love?"

"I... uhm... maybe...?"

"Hmm." He says then goes back to cleaning.

"Hmm? What do you mean hmm?" I can feel the panic sneaking in. He is going to think I'm weird.

"I mean hmm... this is going to be interesting."


"Yes. I don't mind things being a little rough. As you might recall from the first orgasm you gave me in Paris."

"Oh..." I had completely forgotten how hard and fast he wanted it back then. I had blamed it on the lack of stimulation he had been having that week.

"I can definitely work with that." He pushes me the last inch up against the small sink. "Have you explored it before?"

"Not really... the trust hasn't really been there for it."

"And now?"

"I trust you..."

"Good." He flips me around and bends me over the sink. I hear the zipper open, and I watch him in the mirror as he spits in his hands and covers himself. "Have you ever been choked?"

"No..." we lock eyes in the mirror.

"Do you want to?"

"Yes." I can hear the desperation to my own voice, and I have never known I wanted to try it that bad. I mean I have fantasied about It a lot while jerking off, but that is pretty normal. Right?

Slowly he pushes inside me, still looking at me in the mirror.  He puts one hand on my hip for leverage and the other grasps my throat. He isn't choking me hard, more like just holding with a little pressure. Then he fucks me. Not too rough in the beginning. He pushes me back onto him with the hand on my hip, constantly watching my expression in the mirror and I know I'm safe in his hands, so I let go. I urge him to fuck me harder and he obliges. As he speeds up, I have to put my hand against the mirror, so my head doesn't slam against it. He rocks my entire body with every thrust, and I know my asscheeks are probably turning pink from the impact. He is fucking me hard. So hard, I'm afraid I won't be able to walk; and I want more. His grip tightens on my throat and my eyes roll to the back of my head. I'm so close. I'm going to come soon, but he will too. I can tell by his frantic movements.

He moves his hand from my hips and grabs my hair to pull me back by it, as he fucks me hard and fast a last few times, then he empties himself inside me with a grunt that for some reason sends me over the edge too.

"Welcome to The Mile High Club, love." He pants as he slumps over me.

For the first time ever, I just can't wait for the lecture to be over. I usually love classes, and I still do, but yesterday, when I dropped Henry of by the rest stop where we left his car before going to Paris, he promised to meet up with me today. And I can't wait. Nora said we'll meet up at the coffee cart – and yes Nora and I have a specific coffee cart we go to on campus. (Very Rory Gilmore of us; I know) as soon as we are dismissed, I grab my bookbag and rushes to the cart. None of the others are here yet. I decide to buy a cup now, and then buy one more when they arrive. I can probably easily drink two cups. Who am I kidding, I could drink four.

As I wait, I send June a text, telling her I miss her and love her and that I can't wait to come see her again.

She replies that as long as I bring my boyfriend and some snacks, I'm more than welcome. I don't get to respond before Bea and Nora Shows up.

"Started without us, I see." Nora says and orders for her and Bea.

"You know me. I'm impatient." I glance behind the girls. "Where is Henry?"

"What do you mean, sweetie?" Bea asks.

"Henry. He said he would meet me today."

"Here? On campus?"

"Yeah, I think so? I mean, wouldn't that be easiest? Unless he has some paper he's behind on."

"Alex, you do know he doesn't go here, right?"

"What? No... I didn't. Then what...?" my mind starts spinning. I didn't know he wasn't in college. Why didn't I know that? "Has he graduated early?"

"No. He didn't finish college. He dropped out."

"But... doesn't he have an apartment here in the city?"


"But..." My head is spinning, and I can't find any logic at all to this. "What does he do for a living?"

"Alex, sweetie... you have to talk to Henry. If he hasn't told you anything, it's not my place to do so. You need to ask him."

"Right. Of course..." all the worst cause scenarios start running through my mind. He is a gigolo, a stripper, a gangster, a drug dealer... I hate not knowing... and I can't wait till after classes. I grab my bookbag and runs off even though Nora calls for me.

Red, White and Royally fuckedWhere stories live. Discover now